It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Saturday, August 24, 2019

CIA operatives in this case have little to no human qualities

The CIA has a bad habit of torturing people and that habit that behavior has not stopped. If I don't fully I have asked safety I have informed the operatives that I can't take anymore of the torture that I'm being subjected to. I have had a cardiac arrest because of the poisoning by Foreign agents City officials Barack Obama Hillary Clinton. CIA operative continue this investigation forcing me to stay on the streets and be tortured. I am in need of antibiotics that I cannot get it because Medical Healthcare professionals are phoned by Barack Obama Hillary Clinton and all of their demons. I continuously ask over and over again for these antibiotics the condition that I am suffering through is getting much worse causing scar tissue. I have suffered through heart attacks went to the hospitals in this local area for help and did not get any help what's the weather but we're cops were done and the results were tampered with. I am still out in the streets trying to help them with their investigation and they appreciate my help so much by allowing me to continue to suffer and it appears as though they are hoping for my death.
CIA is made up of sociopaths who allow my to trapped in abuse. i do not know where my children are and i am not allowed to communicate with them. i beg for my children to given social workers, attorneys, and cps investigating agents.
THE CIA operatives refuse to see the need of my children and the needs of myself. Proving that they are sociopaths with no heart. I am not a criminal I have done nothing wrong I am helping them with their investigation and pulling foreign agents out of hiding. I'm continuously drugged it's difficult for me to move my body hurts and my health is suffering. CIA operatives refused to conclude their investigation and pulled me to safety. Proving further yet that these people have little to no human qualities. They're not about the Safety and Security of our nation and they are also not upholding the Constitution of the United States as they file a all of my civil rights. I don't see how this case is prosecutable and their hands considering the things that they allowed to happen to me as they watch City officials dirty politicians and foreign agents torture me it appears as though they are hoping that I will die because many of them will be losing their jobs

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