It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Justin at the Episcopal Church

I've been told I'm more than one occasion for approximately 3 weeks that the coffee and the tacos being made at the Episcopal Church are full of poison. I was told over and over again to leave and not drink the coffee or eat the tacos. Now just because I'm being told this doesn't make it true. Justin is well aware of the stories that I'm being told in the things that I'm being led to believe about the coffee. This morning he was cracking jokes about the coffee he thinks it's funny telling people get them more coffee though the coffee allowing me to take pictures of him carrying the coffee around handing out coffee to the homeless and the needy who show up at his church for assistance. Whether it's true or it's just a story they want me to believe so that I would look uncredible and silly it's not funny. Justin thinks it's funny and he's acting. Justin thinks it's funny and he's acting like it's a big joke. Whether it's a make believe story that you people are gaslighting me with or you're really doing it there's nothing funny about it. The man is showing his mentality level acting like a child. Here's the thing if they're really doing it and he finds it to be this funny he must be very confident that it cannot be proven that he's doing he's wrong. If they're not doing it and they're just feeding me a story trying to make me look lucid that's not funny either these are high school games in their highly stupid. As Joan Rivers would say morons. How sick is it Justin knows that I'm on the streets because the mayor of the city and the chief of police forced me to the streets he knows full well that Julian and Joaquin Castro been attacking me for years they put me on the street so they could hide their crimes and Justin is helping them and he has been helping them for years. Justin actually gets in his vehicle and stalks and harasses me around the city and then he acts all nice to my face and pretends to be some sort of man of God when he's actually a monster. Justin is well aware that my three children are trapped in abuse and then I have not seen them in years and I'm struggling to be with them and save them from abuse do you think I'm joking when I say he's a monster he's well aware of all of the details of my story and he still attacks me like he's some high school bully sending people to read my journal and make fun of the things that are in it let's see how much fun you think it is when we're sitting in a court of law and you're being sentenced I personally am going to find that to be very fun.
 the head Rector of this church showed up today at what they call sidewalk Saturdays. I don't know if they're really putting any poison in this coffee and the tacos that they hand out in the morning but the head Pastor announced loudly that he was in the kitchen when they were making the tacos. You just announced guilt because if it's really is happening and the story is true you just announced that you're doing it.
 the other thing that the head Raptor made sure to announce so that I could hear it and I was in earshot was the fact that George was a missionary in the Philippines for  13 years.  what I've been told in the past many months ago is the fact that George is international spy. I'm not saying that he's a good spy bad spy I'm not saying that he's loyal loyal or disloyal to America. But what I do know is George has sent killers at me I watched him do it I saw him talking to these killers then those Killers became leeches they wouldn't leave me alone get away from me some of them were asking me how strong I was why would they ask me that? the only reason for them to be asking me that is to find out if they could overpower me they were getting ready to do the dirty deed George ask them to do so what do you think is Georgia a good International Spy or is he a demon? I've also had George getting in my face being sarcastic and nasty trying to convince me that my reality is Warped and that I must be crazy he was saying things about spies for an agents Russian agents he was cracking jokes about whether or not the FBI CIA and NSA are helping me doing an investigation whether or not they were the ones keeping me alive he thinks he's funny he also thinks that they're not really they're watching every move he makes because he's not a very smart Mouse. Go ahead boys you live it up right now and you convince yourself of the lie that the top five intelligence agencies of America are not watching you go ahead and keep lying to yourself because it's coming around very soon and you're going to learn that you were the fool not I

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