It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Sasha Obama

Sasha please talk to your father. Your father has become a part of a conspiracy which started out as a method to get revenge on President Trump. He's using me a mother fighting for her children to get revenge on President Trump. I'm trapped on the streets where criminals are sent to sexually assault me and rape me. There's poison that is added to my coffee and my food. I have no money I have no shelter no safe place to go your father make sure that I stay on the streets and I stay broke he make sure that I have no choice but to take the poison food or starve to death. Now your father is sending his helpers dirty police officers and dirty FBI agents to attack my children. These sociopathic law enforcement personnel are befriending my children online they are developing a relationship with them and developing Trust. Once they are able to get my children to trust them they will begin psychological warfare and brainwashing. They will convince my children that I am a criminal that I am not they will convince my children that I do not love them able to convince my children to hate me. Your father hopes that this will create an emotional breakdown he hopes that I will develop Suicidal Tendencies. And to be honest it just might work because they're the reason that I keep fighting they're the reason that I'm still alive you see I love my children more than anything in this world. Please talk to your father

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