It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Kristen was playing games with my head now she goes to prison

I was Gas Lighted into believing she was in a relationship with Gregory Marshall. It's not true she is not pregnant with his child and she doesn't live with him. They did fool me I did believe for at least a couple weeks. I did yell at her. But her is the thing she has interacted with my children and this woman is completely insane she is going to Prison. 
She is not going to raise her baby she will be in prison. She was informed of this about two weeks ago and she was white as a ghost. She was giving me dirty looks and she looked sick. NO you broke the law and I am the victim of your crimes. You are so sick a so to be mother is attacking a mother trying to be with her kids you deserve everything you get. 
Notice that Gregory Marshall has to fake a girlfriend because he can't get one to stick around after about 3 months and they run. 
He was planing this tactic in 2014 he thought he was get a woman to commit to him and be a step-mother to our children. He was hoping it would create my emotional break. OH PLEASE. 
Here we are in 2019 and still hasn't made a step mother happen what a looser.  

So it's just been confirmed that Kristen is living with Gregory Marshall and my three children playing as a stepmom. This is highly disturbing for me considering the woman's out in the streets stalking and harassing me and trying to cause my end. She's highly unstable which has been confirmed by everybody on the street that watches her erratic Behavior conversations with her are very difficult put it mildly. I figured she was either living with them or she was paying most of the bills because I know my ex-husband that well. That means last November when he was evicted from that apartment that he had my children living in unlawfully he moved in with Kristen. And during the eviction process he waited until the last minute which is also something else Greg is famous for. Now here's the confusing thing at the time Kristen was a single woman living alone. So was a single woman living in a house that had four bedrooms? I don't think so. What kind of accommodations do my children have? Do they have their own rooms? Ava Joe needs her own room she's living with three men. And she did not have her own room and in that two bedroom apartment he refused to allow her to lock the door and keep them out. She called me and told me that she wasn't allowed to lock the door and she couldn't get her brothers out of her room and her father put his leg in the door jamming it so she couldn't shut it. A little girl needs privacy and at her age 12 she's starting to develop and she needs much more privacy and her father's not going to allow her to have any privacy that's what kind of a control freak he is. Now if it's not bad enough that my children are trapped in an abusive situation with this unstable man now he has his unstable girlfriend residing with our children.

The amount of discomfort he must be feeling right now because he can see his Impending Doom coming will cause Greg to have huge angry outbursts. During the marriage grad used to have Angry outbursts and would purposely grab my things that were important to me and throw them across the room many rooms. He would break those things and he was doing it on purpose to. It was one of the many forms of punishment another form of punishment was putting his hands around my throat.
I am assuming and guessing that those people that were developing relationships with my children online weren't all bad. Because I've just been informed that my children are experiencing the erratic angry outbursts of their father and he's breaking their things. I'm going to go ahead and guess that some of the things that are being broken or the computers that the kids are playing those games on where they are developing relationships with the professionals investigating this case.
I don't know who my children are communicating with sharing the fact that their father is losing his mind once again but I do hope that somebody sees fit to sending someone to help my children. We all know that Kristen isn't going to help them her objective was to brainwash my children into hating me her objective was to live with him and hide his abusive nature from the rest of the world. And you can bet she still doing that.
Anytime Greg's comfort zone is affected if he goes too long without eating if it's too hot outside if you didn't get enough sleep any little thing that affects his comfort sound causes him to have an angry outburst throwing things across the room and people.
He has a bad habit of grabbing onto arm and tossing us across the living room. He also has a bad habit of picking up the children by one arm and literally putting his foot in their butt. You can bet he's still doing these things he never made any real effort to change to stop the abuse. After going to marriage counseling for several years he would agree to what the counselors were asking him to do he would only be able to maintain these various things for about three weeks before he would go back to his same abusive self.
So now people are announcing to me today the kind of abuse that my children are suffering from I've been telling you people this for years begging you to help me I'm well aware of the abuse their suffering from it's you who is just now learning this. And I'm going to ask you one more time is somebody going to help my children?
 Julian and Joaquin Castro will be held accountable for the abuse that my children have been subjected to it was them who manipulated the courts and manipulated at police reports to hide the fact that my ex-husband has a long history of being abusive. It was them that manipulated the courts and caused my children to be placed with their abusive father. I continuously call the San Antonio fatherhood campaign over and over again announcing to them that he cut off all communication between their children then I. I went to kid exchange over and over again to get visitation with my children even though there was no justifiable reason for me to have supervised visitation I still went so that I could see my children. He manipulated the employees at this organization because this is yet another dirty nonprofit here in San Antonio Texas who is not out to help anybody except for 30 politicians.
 Barack Obama will also be held accountable for the abuse that my children are being subjected to. Robert Mueller has finally let the cat out of the bag that Barack Obama was in charge of the investigation the entire time. Allow me to remind everybody that the person in charge of the investigation thought that it was perfectly okay for my children to stay in an abusive situation while they investigated foreign agents and dirty police officers. The person in charge of this investigation was listening to me as I was begging over and over again somebody help my children. It's documented in emails it's documented in text messages it's documented on this social media which is being used and the investigation. And although mr. Obama might decide to make it disappear it's not going to work because there are agents and operatives that don't agree with what you're doing and they're not about to destroy evidence in a major investigation you're just not worth it Sir.
My children are in Intimate danger as I said before I've been instructed to reminisce about the marriage and how abusive it was I've been instructed to tell stories for the rest of the day about the various abuse that we were subjected to that we tried to survive. I'm sorry mr. Obama but I don't think anybody in this nation is going to agree that three small children should have been trapped in abuse subjected to Stockholm syndrome so that he could hide the details of what was happening to them in the home behind closed doors.
 the whole reason that he's having an angry Outburst his because they are our agents talking to my children finding out the details of the abuse that they've been subjected to and when he became aware of what's Happening that's when he started breaking things and throwing things at my children screaming and yelling.  I can pretty much guarantee that at some point in time he grabbed onto one of their arms and threw them across the room he's famous for this this is the move he Always resorts to

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