It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Friday, August 9, 2019

kristen stupidest soon-to-be mother

Out here on the streets there is a thing called MRSA it's a staph infection that is highly contagious. I've been exposed to it several times my enemies did it to me on purpose of course my body fought it off and I healed they were hoping for a more serious condition. There's a man named Patrick out here who has MRSA it's infected both of his legs it's very serious. MRSA is known to kill unborn children along with many other staph infections this is common knowledge. So while Kristen is out here acting stupid pretending to be homeless trying to take the life of her Lover's ex-wife she's exposing her unborn child to MRSA which will kill the fetus at this point it's a baby. This is the most ridiculous thing I've ever witnessed in my life I quit a nursing job because they were going to expose me to MRSA which would have killed my baby. Apparently she doesn't care about that baby at all. There's so many other things out here in the street but a pregnant woman should not be exposed to. I've never seen anything so stupid in all my life it's sick. This woman really is mentally unstable she needs a psychiatric evaluation maybe she'll get one when she goes to prison.

I was told that there was a pregnancy involved in this drama I was told that many months ago when I was told I was also told that that person was going to prison. It was 5 months ago you just committed a whole lot of crimes in addition to those crimes that caused her to go to prison. In the last 5 months prison sentence got that much bigger. I don't know who she is I don't know if she's a foreign agent a dirty police officer an FBI agent who is now a traitor to our nation. The only thing I know is I was told that she's going to prison and that source is a reliable source.

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