It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Sunday, August 11, 2019

I have all the same minions have been on me for months and now there are new ones

So there's a whole new group of Minions that are out here doing the exact same thing all of the other minions have been doing following and stalking sitting in the establishment I sit in until they are notified that they can leave. They're not really doing much of anything. I do wonder how many of them are from Moscow I have no way of knowing of course not a whole lot of communication is happening between me and those that call them selves the good guys. I'd like to know how you continue to believe that you're the good guys when you're watching a mother fighting for a children suffer. When you can see that I need medical attention and I need those antibiotics that you refused to help me with when you see that I need bathing I need shelter and I'm in danger and you call yourself the good guys? I don't think the nation's going to see it that way. When when you see that I need money and these minions out here calling themselves the good guys they don't go without they they are not wanting. I'm out here not knowing where my next meal comes from not knowing how I'm going to come up with any money at all because my social security card and birth certificate have been stolen not once but twice because Joaquin Castro has those things and you can't work without those things. You can't support yourself you cannot take care of yourself without those things and we all know that. Joaquin Castro as had them taken from me not once but twice. these people claim that I'm being unjust when I say that they're not drink of the same from it just because you're out here on the street doesn't make you going through the same psychological warfare that I'm being subjected to you have a house to go to and your mind you know full well that you have a house and you can go there as soon as you're done torturing me I don't have anything. in my mind I have nowhere to go OU people know that you'll be done eventually and you will be pulled off the streets and you won't have to do this anymore but in my mind I there is no end I don't know if it will ever end and at this point in time it's starting to look like it will never end. And of course I've had people like Nelson telling me that I will never be pulled to safety and now that we're in August I'm starting to believe him. this is the psychological state of mind that I'm in and you agents that are out here pretending to be homeless claim that you're doing the exact same thing I'm doing no you are not. Don't kid yourself and don't try to pull the wool over the eyes of the rest of the nation because you have no idea what I'm going through. Do you have three small children that are trapped and abuse that are being abused daily and you don't even know where they are are you going to that kind of hell no you're not. I have sensitive days where I can't handle it anymore where I feel like throwing in the towel and I have stupid people like Jason getting in my face giving me dirty looks making snide comments and Jason wants me to believe that he's a good FBI agent no FBI agent that's going to prison I don't care how James Comey and Robert Mueller Define you because when this is all done and said I'm going to get my own attorneys and make sure you go where you belong you're prancing around with Joaquin Castro in my face. He found this funny I had gone five days without eating and Joaquin Castro was in a Starbucks trying to create an angry outburst. So Jason have you ever gone five days without food have you even gone two days without food you see everybody Jason's out here and he's got all the money in the world he's wearing $150 backpack his clothes are clean all the time everybody wants to go and buy food or cigarettes he pulls out his card and he goes and buys it and he claims to be doing the same thing I'm doing out here it claims to be suffering you're not suffering stupid you're torturing another human being. I will be posting a picture of Jason yesterday August 10th I heard Jason talking to another person Jason was talking to another person and his demeanor is mannerism was all very childlike he was telling this other person that he got a death threat and apparently the person was on drugs and threaten to kill Jason. the following day when the persons High wore off they didn't remember anything it wasn't really in danger and it's amazing that he finds this to be significant and a milestone in his life because I receive death threats every day several times a day and those people threatening me are very serious. So Jason is giving me dirty looks as if I've caused him some sort of harm. I think after examining his mannerism is body language and those things that he finds to be significant there's absolutely zero emotional intelligence there my children are being tortured and Jason helped to cause that he's helping to keep them trapped there he doesn't seem to want to own the responsibility for what he's done and what he continuously does on a day-to-day basis but I'm going to make sure he does own it in front of the entire nation in front of the entire world.
 so I was being gaslighted into believing that Jason was a member of the good guys the good team that he was investigating to help save democracy and put Hillary Clinton in prison of course this is a lie Jason's is sociopath you asked in the most inappropriate times he's being protected by my ex-husband for one.  they're trying to Gaslight me into believing that Jason is a good guy and that I should trust him I never going to trust anybody who laughs in my face when I'm standing there after 5 days with no food who laughs and gives me dirty looks when I announced the fact that my children are trapped and abused and are being abused on a daily basis you're going to give me dirty looks because you helped the abuser and you continuously daily help the abuser who's abusing my children on a daily basis and you're giving me dirty looks honey you need a psychiatric evaluation and some medication you have some serious issues and I don't want to deal with that crap Howdy Doody

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