It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Gregory Marshall has no mind for business

Gregory Marshall has no mind for business yet he walks around claiming to be some sort of expert. It's a long list of evidence and events proving that he has no mind for business. Let's start with the fact that his master's degree is fake he produced it on the computer and printed it up it's not a real master's degree but yet he's been able to use it to get employment that pay him up to $60,000 annually. Every time Gregory Marshall gets a job he is going to haul for the first three months and then it starts to die out and his employer gets to see his laziness. But don't take my word for it call his employers and find out they will all agree with his slaking abilities.
When Gregory Marshall decided to open a small business initially it was for a tax write-off even though it doesn't really even do his taxes ever. When I married Gregory Marshall his father was the one doing his taxes Gregory Marshall actually never did any of his taxes ever. Unfortunately I had no idea this was an issue when I married him the man claimed to have an associate's degree in accounting. If I had a degree in accounting I wouldn't struggle so much when doing my taxes.
When Gregory Marshall decided to open up his own small business he never wrote a mission statement and he never wrote a business plan
When you decided he had enough inventory to go ahead and rent a Kia in a mall. He never did a market analysis he just jumped in head first the rent there was very expensive and he used every penny he had that was supposed to be used to support his family. Then he ran into trouble right off the bat and had to borrow money from his family.
Gregory Marshall would spend money and crazy manners he was buying store displays before he even made a profit his small business never got out of the red there was absolutely no profit.
Gregory Marshall has quite way of making himself sound smarter than what it is. If you listen to him talk about small business and his own extra cheese on small business he's never going to mention the huge mistake he made in business.
In the six years that we had several small businesses Gregory Marshall continue to tell me over and over that he was going to handle the book and the taxes. I trusted him as my husband and business partner you can imagine Midas may when I found out that he had never done the taxes he had not even filled out one single IRS Form.
With all the money that he had spent it never occurred to him to buy a computerized cash register we had an old-fashioned cash register with the register tape each evening we took out the tape so that we could crunch the numbers and do the books the rules of tapes got put into a box and he never touched them no one ever crunched the numbers no books were ever kept. And you would think after the small business got going it would occur to him that having a business plan might be a good idea nope he never wrote that business plan ever.
Be concentrated in how the business looked and neglected customer care. One of our best clients walked up to him and told him that she had been trying to call him for weeks and she couldn't get them to answer the phone. Greg looked at her and said I don't answer the phone if I don't recognize the number. Yes he really said such a stupid thing to one of his best customers. It wasn't the only time he had said such a silly thing to his customers. If you have a small business and you rely on clientele relations would you answer your phone? Probably a good idea right?
Gregory Marshall was so Andover 10 times about the displays and weather or not his product was meet that it didn't heritage customers to even touch the merchandise and try it on. Well I was working on a sale with my niece Christina he pushed both of us and the two customers out of the way so he could straighten his displays while we were trying to find her size. It was extremely rude. Needless to say we lost that sale and because he was unable to put the customers before everything else ultimately the business failed.
Gregory Marshall was always about the easiest way out the quickest way to make a dollar he felt victim to get rich quick schemes. And I'm fortunately he decided to invest in these pyramid companies without even talking to his wife before doing so. I have course was well first and pyramid companies I had gotten involved with two of them. I accidentally invested my time and money into Equinox. Everybody knows about this pyramid company the government shut it down many people were actually indicted and not enough people were refunded their money. Greg guy into a pyramid company very similar to Equinox it's called Nu skin. After he invested $3,500 he told all of his Pals to keep that a secret from me. It took several months before I finally figured it out as you can imagine I was none too happy he was putting us in the Poorhouse fast. We took a trip to Salt Lake City and we couldn't afford it because he had dumped all of our money into this pyramid company. At this convention put on by the pyramid company they called themselves a ladder company and every time I said pyramid company out loud people would verbally accost me. So we lost a lot of man hours and money with his new skin company the product that was actually selling in the mall he moved aside for the product of the pyramid company. I remember one of the speakers they had was John Maxwell several people were asking are you going to invest in Nu skin and become a member. John Maxwell is a very smart man no way was he ever going to. Isn't that a giant red flag if John Maxwell's not going to invest in it and has no interest then you might want to check closer at your investment. Yes Gregory Marshall is not a very good businessman. I can list a very long list of companies he work for that all went under and I'm not saying he made them go under but working for them might not have been a good decision.

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