It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Gregory Gas Lighted Police Officers, Dirty FBI agents and Barack Obama

Gregory Gas Lighted officers and Agents who think they are smart. Well when the truth comes out everyone will see that they are really actually very stupid. These stupid people believed him when he said that he was a victim of domestic abuse. There are police reports, witnesses, counselors, therapist, family practitioners, our family, the neighbors at every house we lived at all of them are witnesses to Gregory Marshall abusing his family wife and children.  I went to the rape crisis center. You morons are suppose to be investigators who investigate crimes and get to the truth you are not qualified for the job. 
I had never hit anyone and I have been hit a lot by those criminals you sent at me telling them to rape me and beat me. I simply got away from after being assaulted. Would a abusive person walk away? Does a abusive way of life just go away, does an abuser just stop abusing? If you know the answer is NO then why haven't you seen me be abusive to anyone? My ex-husband is sending all of you to stalk and harass me and torture me. Is that the actions of a victim or a victimizer? He is the abuser read the CPS investigation reports you are so stupid you are being lied to. You people watch me every second of the day have you seen me threaten anyone? Have you see me raise my voice? Have you seen me raise my hand? How dumb are you, if you would have watched more closely you would have seen him do all these things. He gave a full confession to a FBI agent that he was poisoning me and trying to kill me and our unborn child you can’t see what is in front of your face? 
There is proof and statements from all of the mistresses that he had during the marriage is that the character of a victim or abuser? Is it really that hard to figure out? Wow I thought Barack Obama was smart no that is not the case he doesn't even have common sense to see the pathetic liar was playing him and he played you didn't he? 
You really thought this moron was abused you really thought he was a victim of domestic violence? The man was raping me and he put his hands around my neck to punish me when I wasn’t doing what he wanted. If I talked back to him he would back hand me across the face he broke my teeth. He was poisoning me with red ant poison and rat poison and he was trying to kill me while I was pregnant with our child. Two of our children he tried to kill and you think he is a victim of domestic violence? Wow Barry you have been gas lighted I am not the only one and the other thing you are fooled about is whether or not your going to prison yes you are going to prison WAKE UP 

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