It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Aadyan Marshall's guilt

Unfortunately my son Aidan Marshall feels guilty for a lot of things that happened during his childhood that simply were not his fault.
Free example on who was 5 years old his father was being his usual self Tryon to turn the children against me. He a gone do the store and only taken one child with him when a damn found out that he a gone to the store without I'm he was upset and demanded that we go back to the store so that he can go to. He went out in the garage where his father was emptying the groceries out of the van, he demanded that his father take him back to the store. His father then began to tell Aiden that he couldn't because his mother wouldn't let him go back to the store. Then he went on to tell our five year old son that I don't do anything I don't run any money and that I am a waste of Flesh. He literally said all of that to our five year old child. A five-year-old child came running into the kitchen where I was making a meal started yelling and screaming at me that I was worthless that I don't own anything I don't make any of the money and I should never tell his dad what to do. I had no idea what was happening I nearly cried when my five-year-old was screaming these things at met telling me that I was garbage and worthless. I walked outside to find out what was happening and why Aiden was having an angry Outburst in my face. Greg was laughing. I said what's so funny. Aidan was right behind me he said dad said that you won't let us go to the store and that he can't take me back to the store because you won't let us. I had no idea you wanted to go to the store my son I never said that you couldn't go to the store it's your father who has decided he's too lazy to take you to the store and is trying to blame me for it. Greg was simply not in the mood to go back to the store and he didn't want to tell our son that he wasn't in the mood to take him to the store so he had to make it somebody else's fault.
For several months after this incident Greg continuously was telling are five year old son that his mother was garbage. I believe I was pregnant and you know how emotional pregnant women are. These are the games that Greg plays he was constantly competing with me for the affectionate of our children. He was constantly trying to make me the bad guy and the reason that you was doing this was because of all the Affairs that he was having with so many other women. I remember one particular day I had to punish Aiden because he called me garbage. You can imagine how it made me feel and I think I even cried. I couldn't let it go and turn a blind eye to it I had to discipline him so he understood that it wasn't okay and that he couldn't continue with this Behavior even though his father was the one teaching him to do it. Of course the ideal situation would be for Greg to stop teaching our influential child to call his mother garbage. I went to get pizza and I took his sister's with me and he had to stay home as punishment. It broke my heart because he cried so hard and I knew that what he was doing wasn't really his fault at all. He never called me garbage again. But unfortunately this story does come back up again because my niece Kelly witness the whole thing and occasionally she will run in this about this story and Aiden will start to scream out it's not my fault and all of us put up our hands and say no it's not your fault it's not your fault we're sorry.
I had a very close relationship with all of my children Aiden until of course Greg started to break down these relationships one by one. US leaving to Texas and going back to Michigan for one year was very good and therapeutic for all of us. Unfortunately they were still talking to their father on the telephone. Greg continuously told them on the telephone that he was coming to Michigan to be with them. He was lying through his fat teeth he was never coming to Michigan. This broke the hearts of my children every time somebody knocked on the door they would go running to the door thinking it was their father. My mother and father and I would look at each other knowing that it wasn't him but we couldn't tell them these are one of the things that children have to see for themselves we knew he was lying.
My children would never leave the house without giving me a hug and a kiss goodbye. Sometimes if Aiden would forget to do this he would make people turn around and go back so he could come in and give me a kiss and a hug goodbye.
 we had a lot of cats when the kids were young with a lot of cats because they weren't fixed and they kept reproducing. I thought it was a good experience for the kids have kittens even though they were very young. Our garage door had one of those giant Springs on it was a big steel door so it's lamp shot I should have took the spring off. One of the kittens was following Aiden and he didn't make it through the door before it slammed shut and it injured the kitten pretty badly. Of course it needed to go to a vet but Craig refused to allow the cat to go to a vet we can barely pay our bills. This is another thing that Aiden feels very guilty about that is not his fault the cat followed him everywhere nobody could have known that that darn Dora was going to shut on the cat. I just my best to nurse the cat back to the house he was never the same again. And then Greg made us get rid of all of the Cats

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