It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Aadyan Marshall

Aiden and I were having a disagreement I think I told him to go upstairs but I was angry with him and I was on his tail tell him to get upstairs will he tripped up the stairs and he hit his face on the stairs. Aiden injured himself very badly his gums swelled and his teeth appear to be loose there's about 4 years old almost five. His gums became black and blue that's how bad it was I was freaking out. Following day I insisted that we get him into the doctor Greg refused to take our son to the doctor. I don't scream and yell much but when it comes to my kids needing medical care that's when I start screaming I literally had to scream and yell at him and force him go to the doctor with us I take the whole family well thank God I did that they helped him with painkillers and antibiotics so I'm his teeth were broken but I was informed that they heal everything worked out pretty well although he was going to be bruised for a couple of weeks
Aiden was in preschool at the time it was Encino Park preschool we qualified because Aiden has ADHD and he's difficult and we were low income too. So while Aiden was at school he told everybody mom pushed him up the steps and he has injury and mom did it please don't let them see this.
So then the teachers did the right thing and they called CPS. CPS came and did an investigation they were concerned about the scratches on Aiden they thought that he was genuinely being abused. After spending a lot of time with me couple of weeks I think they realize there was no abuse happening everything was explained the scratches on Aiden was from his little sister and the reason she was doing that is because well Aiden's hyper and he was getting in her face when she was defending herself and I can't always run across the entire house while I'm pregnant and stop it.
So when CPS investigation was being conducted the agent needed to talk to Greg and there was more double talkin happening while he was talking to the agent and to be perfectly honest I don't know the exact words he was using but I bet it's documented.
And the reason that I say don't let a damn see this is because little boy is riddles with guilt he feels so bad that while he was in preschool he told the teachers that his mom did it and although we were arguing with each other and I was trying to discipline him. It didn't exactly go down the way my little boy repeated it at school. But remember he was 4 years old and he probably really genuinely thought Mom did it. So to this very day my Aiden is riddled with guilt about this I keep telling him it's no big deal was not his fault and I'm very happy those teachers called CPS I'm so happy that they actually took action when they thought abuse was happening that made me feel so confident that the teachers were looking out for my kids I think I even cried too because I was so happy did they call CPS
Aiden and I talked about this a lot after it happened I wanted to make sure that he was able to talk about it openly. I didn't want him holding on to it and I definitely didn't want him to feel as guilty as he does. I wanted you to to forgive me if he did think I did it I wanted him to understand that I would never hurt him like that purposely and I would hope that I wasn't clumsy enough to do it on accident either. But the last time Aiden and I had the conversation he is still riddled with guilt and I'm trying to get him to work through his feelings and eliminate that guilt

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