It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

The Wetmore Road bar

  1. I was mostly being stalked and harassed on Broadway and Sunset and I stuck to that area I had absolutely no money to get on a bus and get out of there so I said screw it turn down by bag in an area that I can come back to and I hiked several miles now it’s commonplace but then it wasn’t I decided if all these stalkers and hat wrestlers wanted to play this little game than they were going to use up all their fuel. So I got to the Wetmore Bar with that was several miles away and I started to rest there and get some water all of the employees were pulled into the stalking and harassing and all of my dangerous harassers were sent there to hang out there was two men at the bar that was sitting close to me and they were laughing and giggling about some video they were watching and then pointing at me. They were trying to whisper they were too drunk to do so they said you mean this and they pointed to it it was a video playing on the phone. Then they said well let’s go up and talk to her and give her a hard time and be meaning. The one that had sense or maybe less to drink I don’t know said I am not going anywhere near her I’m not going to be arrested like that other guy. Then the one that was stupid and had no sense whatsoever said those cops don’t have anything on us we’re not going to be arrested. You’re right those cops don’t have anything on you but the NSA agents in the FBI agent that are working this case have a lot on you so it finally occurred to me that Joaquin Castro is spreading around a video apparently it was me and I was indisposed God only knows where it came from or what it really was some little bird told me that it was a video of a woman that looks like me but I don’t know feel better

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