It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Saturday, October 12, 2019

suicidal police officer

That 21 year old police officer that I had a long conversation with on October 7th 2019  I saw him last night . After the long drawn-out story and reasons why he was so suicidal on October 7th I have decided to take him seriously about his claims to want to kill himself because last night  the man was acting completely  off his rocker . He got in his bicycle and kept circling me over and over again as I walked down the sidewalk to Park police officers witness this  and there was a man standing there taking pictures .  It's bizarre and erratic Behavior  is highly unprofessional  there is something wrong with this 21 year old police officer  it can no longer be ignored  I think he really does have a mental disorder and it needs to be taken seriously . I can't imagine what was going through his mind when he saw me and decided to act so strangely  so aggressively  so bizarre .  I'm wondering if maybe  he felt embarrassed when he saw me because I'm the one that saw him crying I'm the one that he told that he was considering taking his own life . Is that why he was circling me while he was on his bicycle .  That behavior is now only cause for concern about his mental health and well-being  but it is behavior Unbecoming a police officer  and he could lose his job for that . 

obviously he is a police officer  and we all know they are paid pretty well  play me had no money and his vehicle was on empty . Anytime somebody cannot budget or manage their money properly and their bills are not paid  it's cause for concern this is signs of severe depression . He obviously cannot manage his money  if you can't even keep gasoline in his orange extended cab pickup truck with no bumper .  He also shared with me that he sometimes wants to just kill his parents  including his mother who he said wasn't nearly as bad as his father . He said that his father is mean and aggressive  and combative . This could be a case of a hereditary condition  if his father is mean and aggressive  and this young man is the exact same thing  then obviously this could genuinely be hereditary condition .  Police officers commit suicide all the time frequently  and this police officer is announcing that he's suicidal the holidays are coming and during the holidays the suicide rates  go through the roof  there are more suicides during the holidays than any other time of the year . 

This police officer when he was talking to me after he got done crying said that he thinks God forgot about him and he was talking about God a lot  towards the end of the conversation with him he wasn't sure God existed at all .  That denotes that he is very confused and doesn't understand who he is or what his beliefs really are . I assured him there was a god  and people just worship and believe in him differently . After announcing to me that he wasn't sure there was a god at all and he didn't know if he believed in God he then told me that it was God who put us in each other's path . You can imagine how confusing this conversation was with this young man  you just got done saying there is no God now you're telling me that it was God who put us in each other's path . Now you're sharing with me that God uses all of us his Tools in other people's lives . This is something I say frequently isn't it amazing and coincidental that this police officer is saying the same thing that I always say how amazing . 
I find it necessary to inform his supervisor  and the division of the police force that is responsible for the health and well-being of their officers . You cannot ignore  somebody announcing that they're going to commit suicide . Now I realize that it's been a few days  and it wasn't really taking his claims  that seriously because I thought I talked him out of it  but at after his erotic Behavior at 1 in the morning as I was walking down the sidewalk I see now that there's a real issue and it needs to be reported to sapd immediately . The other thing I find concerning is  in today's day and age there are a lot of people who are killed by their children and this young man can tenuously claims that he just wants to kill his parents  even describe the way that he would do it and how he had to put great effort into holding himself back from hurting them physically . These people need to be informed that they are in danger . They need to take every precaution possible  to keep themselves from being murdered by their unstable son .  These things should not be taken lightly and his announcement that he is so unstable  needs to be addressed immediately  if it is not  then we could have two homicides on our hands . And I'm not willing to let that blood be on my hands  I plan on doing something about it  right now 

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