It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Monday, October 7, 2019

Starbucks 1604 and Culebra Road

And that the attacks begin now I know why my phone was throwing a fit here at the Starbucks on 1604 we have more foreign agents. That's fine I'll pull them up for you all day long and take pictures of them but I require food like every other human being. If this manager came in for what reason because I'm here and she is nasty. Is there no no smoking signs anywhere outside and all of the Starbucks seem to have this false perception of what the law is and what ethics are. They like to tell people 20 ft by 25 ft or 30 ft the moment somebody is 2 in off of the property that you rent you no longer have any dictator over what they are doing you cannot dictate someone to be 30 feet away. That's just a little Common Sense the moment they're too in a way sorry you have no say. Now is anybody wondering what country is Kevin Johnson is from? I certainly am. Does everybody understand why Howard Schultz step down? I know exactly why he stepped down and I know who he's working with too. Did everybody watch the statements and interviews that he gave when he was considering running for president? Did you hear him say "we" thought of that. Do you understand who "we" is? I know who "we" is to you?
And here's a little food for thought when James Comey and Robert Mueller complete their investigation Kevin Johnson will be going to prison and Howard Schultz will step back in and reclaim his Empire. All of the foreign agents and all of the people who decided to commit crimes to help dirty politicians will be indicted and no longer allowed on the property of Starbucks. However the people committing the crimes and colluding with foreign agents and dirty politicians are too stupid to see their future.
 they have themselves a real dictator here she is just nasty she treats people like crap. She puts herself three notches above them indicating that she has very low self-esteem she has absolutely no positive reinforcement for these employees whatsoever talking down to them as if they are peasants. no matter what they're doing and how well they are doing it nothing is okay nothing is a good job there's always a correction to be made and there's always something negative or wrong to point out. Clearly there is no understanding about morale morale boosters boosting a person's self-esteem so they perform better with more proficiency and if you're kind of them then of course they will be kinder to the customers coming in. It will be a welcoming atmosphere and people will want to spend money. But apparently she doesn't understand any of these Concepts whatsoever.

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