It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Monday, October 7, 2019

Gregory Marshall and TRW

When I'm running up my letters and handing them out to on the meeting people who don't understand what they've gotten themselves involved in I'm including the fact that Gregory Marshall was stealing top-secret files from TRW. He is now trying to convince me that I was gaslighted into the story I live through it all and it took me forever to figure out exactly what you were doing. You see he told me he was embezzling money and that's why the FBI was all over him and that's why he was losing his job. He was probably embezzling money he was probably moving it around from one account to another that was probably happening but I focus on the most important thing the fact that he was stealing top-secret files from TRW and giving them to the Russians. He continued to collude with those Russians after he lost his job. He lost his job because there was an FBI investigation being conducted into what was happening at TRW. Several people lost their job Gregory Marshall wasn't the only one doing it. However they have been watching him since 2001 they've had a very close eye on him. Anybody who came in contact with Gregory Marshall or helped him in any fashion expose yourself to James Comey and your crimes. So if any of you are wondering why you didn't remain hidden here in America that's your answer. You trusted the wrong fat trailer park trash. They've been watching him for 18 years.
As if it isn't bad enough that you trusted the wrong traitor to our nation then you decided to help the sociopaths that tried to kill his wife continue to torture his wife and killed his wife. So if you think that in a court of law they're going to go easy on you think again. You were attacking an innocent Mother fighting for her children those children are being abused their being brainwashed they are being hidden from their mother. They are also being poisoned and that was confirmed by the Comey investigators. So all of you foreign agents who decided that Gregory Marshall was your pal you will be judged and convicted for the crimes that he is committing. Here in Texas if you help to commit a crime become a conspiracy of a crime you are tried in a court of law as if you committed the crime yourself. All of you will be charged with that child abuse and poisoning of my children. So not only are you looking at treason and espionage and many other crimes that you've committed you're also looking at child abuse child endangerment and attempting to end the life of three children. You're also looking at attempted murder mine. And from watching you people and knowing that you are complete monsters with no human qualities I wouldn't be surprised if you killed many people while you're in America. It's time for you to all the wake up and realize that your life as you know it is over.

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