It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Hand Written Letters

When I was locked in my house I sent hand written letters to all these people. I couldn't email or call the Castros, Chief McManus, Greg Marshall and several dirty criminal officers were controlling my phone. So I wrote the letters telling these people I was locked in my house with an officer trying to break in and kill me. I was begging them to help me to go to the FBI, NSA, and CIA. there were dirty agents in each one of these agencies. I needed help I had faith that there were good agents somewhere that would help me.
When McManus and Moscow Heather and Dirty Brad found out I was sending out letters that manipulated the USPS and then they told my mail man he was not allowed to mail anything from my home. Every letter I put in my mail box that mail man gave to Moscow Heather and her dirty agents and of course double agents she thought were on her side. The mail man was angry he didn't like being put in that position. He was slamming my mail box shut and stomping away from my house. I stopped putting letters in my box and I would sneak out and find a blue box. Well they were ahead of me and those letters didn't get to my parents, brother, attorneys, senators, city officials, Ted Cruz, John Cornyn, and more. I am assuming that they didn't get the message because I sure didn't get the help I needed.

I had a friend Megan she lived a few blocks away. I wrote her a letter begging her to go to the FBI to get help. Megan had gotten herself in trouble (bank fraud), she had two secret service assigned to her. I really didn't know that they watched and listened to every move I learned that later. I knew they visited her once week to make sure she was staying out of trouble. She told me the story of how much one of them hated her (long story). Anyway she made the phone calls and she visited FBI and the entire time Secret Service was watching and listening. Now if you were a Secret Service agent wouldn't you want to know if a woman was really locked in her house with a cop breaking in to kill her? If you were a secret service officer would you have the resources available to you to find out if a woman was really being hunted by a psycho cop? All they had to do is dress in black and throw on night vision and come to my house and watch and they would have the truth just like the constables did. So if you were Secret Service would you ignore it or look into it? I know what I would do.
Now those two secret service members that disliked megan greatly, was because she had manipulated a lighter sentence and she practically got away with the crime. So if they are admit about making sure justice is served and laws are abided by then how do you think they reacted to my situation? Do you think Moscow Heather would be able to make them throw their morals out the window? Well I hope not and I don't think so. I also don't think she was aware they were looking.
Our enemies have agents in everyone of our law enforcement agencies and they have some there too. Soon they will have no more, so we clean house.

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