It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Monday, October 7, 2019

lazy wastes getting paid by tax dollars

Bear in mind while they sit there doing nothing they're well aware that I need money they're well aware that I am hungry they're well aware that I have not slept in days . Don't expect them to care about anybody but themselves don't expect them to do anything about my situation 

And look at this crap what do you want to call this suspicious Behavior I would say what are they doing and what are they waiting for Oh Gee  I wonder who they're watching? Sitting on their asses doing nothing receiving their government paycheck sitting in a vehicle that was paid for by tax dollars. Can't seem to do their goddamn job I am forced to do their job pulling out the foreign agents and taking pictures of them. Watching as police officers in every member of City Hall commit serious crimes those crimes are being committed by me these people get paid for sitting around doing nothing. Just as bad as the CIA operative laying around the pool all day. And how do I get paid I get paid with poison daily all day long how do I get paid I am starved to death. I have thousands of people following me all over this city did you do your job for you. I have no shelter I have nowhere to go and I'm being hunted and there are loaded weapons being put in my face and look it the people that are supposed to be protecting our nation sitting on their asses receiving a paycheck you see what they're doing that's right nothing. And they get a paycheck three meals a day they have somewhere to live sleep bathe

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