It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Google searches being manipulated

I have sent Beto O'Rouke a dozen or more emails since 2016 and this is the site I go to. My google search has been manipulated and I can not find Beto here so that I can send him yet another dozen emails giving him a detailed list of the crimes that Gregory Marshall is framing him for. I am going to go ahead and explain how this will play out and how it will ruin Beto's reputation and career. Police officers will be taking the stand and they will explain that they attacked an innocent mother fighting for her children. When Beto O'Roouke was at the San Antonio College the college police department was contacted and all officers were told to attack me and remove me from campus. They were lead to believe they were receiving this instruction from Beto O'Rouke they were under the impression that he was instructing them to break the law and here is the kicker the Police Officers were willing to break the law. Beto has the authority to protect you from prosecution right? Remember Beto was on a national platform telling the nation that Police Officers are criminals and something needs to be done. Why would a man that said that FACT, tell you to break the law? Has anyone ever had the misrepresentation that officers are smart? I have years of proof they are simple criminals.
Several police officers went and found criminals, drug addicts and homeless in January and every month since then and they thought they were doing this for Beto O'Rouke and that will be reflected in their testimony. Those criminals that they found attacked me for months. They stole all my belongings, it was cold and I was made to sleep in the freezing cold with no blankets, sweater, coats, nothing but the clothes on my back and I was told that Beto was doing it. I trusted the information I was getting because it was the method used by FBI agents and Officer Dech to give info I needed. What they forgot to tell me is they were allowing my enemies to see our communication to set them up for failure knowing that Gregory Marshall, Hillary Clinton, Obama, Foreign Agents, and hundreds of criminals officers would use that form of communication to manipulate the information I was getting and I would be getting false phony info. Like Beto O'Rouke was attacking me that is why I kept saying over and over again he acts just like my ex husband that is because it was my ex husband and that sociopath actually thinks all other people have a sick mind like his. He believes that the things he does all others do or would do. I was starting to think half the population were sociopathic killers like the thing I was married to.
Beto I am so sorry I am sorry Please for give me for being dumb. I assumed that when you were out there beating feet with the Castro brothers campaigning you knew about me and their years of attack of me. Assumptions I need to stop doing that. I also have to consider that you most likely never received those emails I sent you. The Castro Brothers have in the past called the staff of all senators in this state and others telling them to ignore my emails claiming that I am crazy and the FBI watched all this. Correction it was Gregory Marshall calling all staff of all our government telling them I am crazy and my emails do not warrant attention. All the staff of all our government are guilty of collusion and you people think I am crazy because some of my information is wrong? You ignorant people think you are talking to Beto O'Rouke, Castro Brothers, Mayor Nirenberg, Chief McManus and you are talking to a fat rapist who lives in a trailer too small to legally accommodate his children. Then all of you broke the law you will loose your jobs and end up with criminal charges. I have not broken the law so who is crazy the woman fighting to save her babies and keep herself alive or the morons talking to a mad man dumb enough to think he is some our most well known politicians? That's right it's all you criminals that are nuts, your criminals and do not know the difference between right and wrong. The accuser is always the guilty party. I am mad at myself I knew he was doing this a long time ago and I should have just called him out. Beto you need to talk to your staff about their collusion because I promise the FBI has all the proof needed.

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