It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Saturday, October 5, 2019

episcopal church san antonio,

I went to the church this morning after I had handed all of them my story of being abused and nearly killed during my marriage. In that letter I explain how my children are being hidden from me I explain how he nearly poisoned my two youngest children to death and me. I explain how when they decided to attack me he was being watched by the FBI and they exposed themselves as sociopaths and bullies. I explained that my children are still being beat on and they are being brain washed and they are being poisoned. In the letter I explained how he brought our youngest child to where I was so that he could rub in my face that our youngest child does not know his mother and Greg was laughing to cause me and our children this pain that is how sick he is. These people are the same kind of sick they are laughing in my face they are laughing that I have nearly died they are laughing that I was raped they are laughing that there was a police officer trying to kill me then I lost everything an I was forced to walk the streets. They are laughing that I am hunted by police officers. They laugh my children have to grown up without a mother. Look closely at all these very sick people. Cheryl and Mark are the worst of them all.

When I went to get coffee Cheryl got sarcastic and shitty would you like a taco? thinking herself so clever because I had announced the tacos were poison that is what they wanted and you have to let your enemies think they are winning sometimes to keep their egos huge.  She pays no never mind that I have had so many attempts on my life, I have been raped, I am hunted like an animal, ect... she simply thinks herself clever because she believes that I was fooled to believe a made up story. They gang up on one innocent mom. VERY VERY SICK PEOPLE

I am not yet willing to believe that none of the coffee or tacos is tainted. There is a issue with the decaf coffee. The agents need to verify this but this is what I saw. They had a little decaf to every cup they serve. The excuse delivered is that it makes it go further and last longer. Here is the rub the machine they are using is hooked directly to the water lines and it makes coffee constantly. Oct. 13th I was given a cup of coffee that was all decaf. I handed back and asked for a regular cup of coffee at which time Lisa lied and said it was regular. I decided not to drink it because it tasted metallic. Something is odd about their use of decaf coffee.

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