It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Christian Veteran working with dirty CIA

  1. Feast your eyes on Christian the traitor to our nation. He’s always posting how he’s a veteran and he went to war for our country. Will something must have happened between now and then because now he’s a traitor to this nation and he’s working with a Moscow horror to take down our nation and to allow Russia’s takeover not only that the man was willing to take the life of an innocent Mother fighting for her children he’s very sick. Don’t listen to his rhetoric when he’s talking about being loyal to this country talking about defending this country because he’s a traitor who is committed serious crimes to destroy our country and he belongs in prison. When I announced that Lauren is a b word this moron nearly started an altercation with me to defend his Moscow for isn’t that sweet I think when you’re done with prison we should ship your ass to Moscow we don’t need you here the entire nation is going to know you as a traitor how embarrassing for the city of San Antonio as if they don’t have enough traitors we have another sapd officer who thinks it’s okay to collude with Russian spies I do look forward to the Mueller probe concluding and these idiots going to prison
    Let me point out the insanely obvious this moron this traitor to our nation has destroyed his children’s lives they will be ridiculed they will be harassed often foliage because their father is a traitor Not only was a whole nation know that he’s a traitor the entire world will know nobody will ever forget and his boys are going to take the blunt for what he has done he has ruined their lives they will be judged according to the crimes their father is committed people will want to confront them and start physical altercations with them just because of what their father is done that’s how selfish self-absorbed and dim-witted this traitor is he thinks about nobody but himself oh I’m sorry I think he was thinking with his small penis when he destroyed his children’s future because Loren is so good-looking he was dumb enough to think that he had a chance he could get her bed and he probably did i don’t know i don’t care. But it is very sad that a father cares so little, not at all about his children’s well being about their future. Talking about defending his son concerning star wars jokes because his name is Luke how do you plan on defending them against condemnation and ridicule because their father is back stabbing trader to our nation. Are you that stupid?
    I wouldn’t fit in at the wyndam honey your never going to fit in at any public venue in this nation you pictures will be in the mueller report and all the books and documentaries. this nation, this world will know your a sociopathic murdering trader your sick and unfit to be a member of society oh I will be fit in you twit while you sit in prison. will they help you develop a moral compass there? 

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