It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Sunday, October 13, 2019

scavenger hunt 

 for years I've been playing the Scavenger Hunt game with investigating agents that's a form of communication to get me information and other things that I need today my enemies decided to play that game gaslighting me into believing that it's another scavenger hunt put on by investigating agents when actually it's just a criminal killer who put his bag on a table and walked away from it my phone notify me to look through the bag or take the bag. There was alcohol in it there was weapons in it a flashlight which probably has a Tracker in it. I had no intention to take in the bag I don't need any of these items nor am I going to pick up another tracker so the goddamn foreign agents can track me all over the city that would be stupid now wouldn't it. Actually what my enemies were doing was setting me up for failure I would have taken the bag in the van with a throwing a hissy fit and called police officers once again sing a game of how to get Dawn arrested oh you're going to lose that battle you're going to fail at your little game is going to backfire in your face

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