It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Tumblr shutdown

Tumblr is shut down Gregory Marshall thinks that he can do whatever he wants. You people have empowered the man who tried to kill his wife and children. He is still trying to kill me and there is no one powerful enough to get control of the mad man.
He is still starving me and sending people to assault me. People are loosing their jobs left and right because they are dumb enough to do things to attack me when he asks them to.
I have not eaten real food in more than two days I refuse to take pictures and do your investigation for you until I have a room, food, and cash.
Christopher Wray was attacking me he was not doing a real investigation here and he got me a room for a week. Good luck explaining how you are doing a real investigation yet you can't allow me to eat, sleep, bath, and have all the things needed to keep a person walking the entire city including shoes and clean cloths.
You send police officers breaking the law attacking me and lying about what the laws are and yet you expect me to do all the things that you need for this investigation. That doesn't make any sense and until you remove DJ from any position of any authority there will be no more pictures and I will not put myself in a position so officers and Sociopathic minions can threaten and yell at me. 

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