It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Monday, September 30, 2019

Jan. 12th events that took place on the evening of Jan.11th

Jan. 12th events that took place on the evening of Jan.11th

Mr. Mayor 
I regret to inform you that in your city there seems to be no such thing as whistle blowers rights or protection. 
Last night the staff of the Salvation Army took a friend into their office and told her if she helps me again she will be kicked out into the cold. Her health is not well and she is stressed beyond belief with this harassment. She feels that she can not defend herself against the bulling of the staff members because she has no where to go. She feels this cold will kill her if she is forced out by staff simply because she helped me stay alive the night before last. 
That is retaliation and silly me I thought it was against the law; perhaps I was mistaken. 
Chief McManus wins I won't have her help or anyone else and I will be out on the streets in the cold with the likely possibility of freezing to death. Well at least my children will have a wonderful law suit against this city and they will be financially set, some good will come. The other good thing is that you and Chief McManus will finally be done attacking the people of San Antonio and breaking laws. That's called manslaughter I have been begging you for help telling you what this man has done to me and you turn a blind eye. And your job is what? And is it you that is the one who can do anything about it? 
After my friend was bullied; Officers were sent to the Salvation Army looking for me. I was in fear for my well being again, I have broken no laws and went to the extreme to call and check to see if I had a warrant for my arrest. I have no warrant for my arrest so can someone explain to me why I have SAPD officers hunting me down all night long? I am surprised he didn't charge me with a fictitious crime and put an APB out for me. Maybe if I survive the freezing cold maybe he will do that next week. 
I watched the Kens 5 broad cast of you and your precious Chief, how pertinacious of me to think it was my story. That's next week too. 
I especially like your micro-expressions, you said you were standing by the Chief but you don't look happy about it. Can't hide those pesky micro-expressions. I am truly sorry that you are in this position I can't imagine making the decisions required to cover the crimes of a very sick man. 
The amazing thing is that each time you bring him in to talk about it; he doesn't even get one foot out of City Hall when he begins breaking the law once again and retaliating against me and others too weak to protect themselves.
Mayor I want to tell you one more time I am on the streets I have no where to go I need help. I should not have to be knocking on the doors of shelters I had a house before your Chief striped me to the bone. I will die in the cold and my children will never be able to be with me again. But when you attempt to explain my cold hard corpse to the nation all these emails will be seen and the nation will say: "What kind of man refuses to help a victim of Chief McManus' sociopath tendencies?" Really what kind of man does that? 
You don't believe me when I tell you the FBI is watching what you do? Suit yourself dear. 

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