It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Monday, September 30, 2019

Robert Trevino

Robert Trevino

Isn't it amazing when I was trying to collect pictures of this criminal my screens kept shutting down and the computer kept reverting to the welcome screen. GEE I WONDER WHY THAT IS HAPPENING.
Trevino do you understand what a secure private network is and do you understand what it means to be violating the boundaries of a secure network? Thank you for playing now I am absolutely positive you will be joining the rest of the San Antonio city official criminals.
Trevino thinks it's perfectly OK to gain access of the San Antonio Public Library and manipulate computers. I think it's perfectly OK for him to go to jail .... I'll be satisfied with 18 months judge but official oppression is punishable 5 to 20 years right?
Here you are children a description of your behavior for many years my mouth nearly dropped to the floor Cheryl Sculley is guilty of every single thing listed here and I will keep looking honey there is so much more you are guilty of. When you are guilty of when you are taken away in hand cuffs my three small children I are going to jump for joy and celebrate loudly through the streets of San Antonio of Texas. You know the three small children who are stuck in an abusive situation because you are a monster. The three small children that don't have their mother to jump in-between them and the blows from their abusive father delivers to their little bodies? Those are the three little people jumping for joy when a monster like you will never cause the abuse and suffering of another child in this god forsaken city or any other monsters like you will be stopped across this nation you will be an example that us under dogs can and will take down evil grasshoppers like you who are not fit to walk the streets of any city.

Sculley, for you prison will really be prison you are not Martha Stuart you are a snake in the grass who causes children to suffer abuse without so much as CPS agents to come in and help them. WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU, YOU MONSTER DO YOU HAVE A PLUS

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