It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Monday, September 30, 2019

Joaquin and Julian Castro had Jason steel my bag

Joaquin and Julian Castro had someone steel my bag

Hey Julian and Joaquin Castro when you had someone come and steel my bag last year I had 3 SSN cards in there and a birth certificate. If you don't mind too much monsters I would like to have those back so I can go back to work and be a productive member of society unlike you.

Yesterday I decided to help a fellow homeless person we were starting the laborious endeavor of getting his IDs back. In case no one knows this is a very difficult process and when you don't have a valid mailing address it makes this process even harder almost impossible. We were not successful I thought we would do it one step at a time find a mailing address first. I tried to have him intake to the Salvation Army and enter him into a drug and alcohol rehab program I have heard they have great programs. You can't get in these programs without an ID. shot that out of the water. Fred refers to a dementia diagnosis he has which is causing his problems. He says he has been rejected by all his family because of this diagnosis, he shared that he received this diagnosis nine years ago. This is a progressive disorder and when I was working geriatrics I never saw my people go nine years being functional. Fred nursed his grandmother as she died of dementia it slowly takes our mind and we die from the complications of this. I wonder if the diagnosis is real I didn't see any signs and symptoms and I found myself arguing his limitations. There was a Senator that said homelessness is a choice made that statement at first glance seems harsh but there is great vitality there.   

I was able to help him with clothes and food. When I saw signs that Fred was actually a minion and was sent at me by Park Police I tore away. He introduced me to Christian who told me about a great place to be to sleep and hide from my predators. It is a abandon building in hemisphere park and he is the third person who has told me about it and I have been there it is not clean and it is not safe. There is one entrance into the back yard of the building and once you get in there you are trapped no other way out unless you can fly. I never got a good feeling about this place and about being there. I go with my gut and never visit again. Then Christian told me how he gets money the rocks at Hyatt Regency, once again I have heard this from two other people. I am not sure but I think they are referring to stealing the coins from the wishing well. They are stealing peoples wishes? NO THANK YOU.

So Fred and Christian were set out to have a good time that evening and I choose not to be around that. I don't put myself in those situations these are some of the small things that the Castro's can't take away from me I still have choices and free will. 😝 We become what we surround ourselves with and I will not become that. I may have stumbled and made mistakes on this journey but that simply is not a mistake I will make. Getting Fred in a rehab program would have been a mistake he isn't ready. The Castro's and the Chief of Police are still foolish enough to think they will get me with guilt by association with these drugs and various other crimes. I don't think your going to be successful in that endeavor.

Speaking of that; two consecutive nights there has been a drug dealer and his young girlfriend sent at me. He announces loudly that he has cream on him. Then he stops everyone passing by and asks them if they want to buy cream. Now what if he is stopping a off duty officer or undercover? What if a agent of any sort is walking pass and he is asking if they want to buy drugs does this seem like a wise marketing technique? I thought maybe he was another guilt by association attempt. This young man then started talking about renting woman out talking about cocks and other distasteful ventures that he thinks he can make women do. He started to refer to me loudly as someone who may partake in these activities and because I was in a mood I began yelling at him to watch his mouth I decided it was time to exit before I started reciting scripture upon deaf ears. Last night he walked by growling like an angry animal in reference to my angry outburst. What is cream?

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