It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Physically incapable

I was on a bench at the Legacy shopping center I accidentally fell asleep. I must have slept pretty hard I was in police officer showed up with flashlights in my face. While they were standing there talking to me telling me that I had to go the security officer walked up I had walked away and collapsed onto the ground because I'm exhausted and I can't do anymore because I am in pain. I also haven't eaten and I'm suffering serious malnutrition. When I finally got up on my feet and started walking away the security officer decided to start yelling at me that I'm not allowed on the property ever again I asked for clarification and whether or not I could be on the property when being a customer. He said well yes but you were sleeping how dare I how offensive that is. The security officer is an older Latino man and obviously he's an assortment of different words that I won't use the only time that he felt he could get in my face and start screaming and yelling at me is when he was standing next to two police officers. The man didn't have enough couth or class to approach me wake me up and tell me that I need to leave the property he simply called sapd finding himself guilty of abusing the system. Apparently he can't do his job that's his job people he is security police officers didn't need to be called he simply needed to wake me up in for me that I had to go and that's exactly what would have happened but instead he called sapd to do his job for him. Of course he received a phone call and he was instructed to do this stupid thing that will cause a loss of his job because after all if you can't do your job then why are they paying you? And today I am unable to move after collapsing that particular leg isn't exactly working well and I haven't eaten so if anybody's thinking the FBI investigating agents have a heart and they care about people and they have respect for life stop thinking that it's not true. In the end of all this there going to be hard-pressed to convince the nation that they do have any respect for life or innocent people that they have any appreciation whatsoever for the sacrifices made to help them with their investigation because now I'm on my deathbed and they're just going to let me die. The other point we all should look at is what a monster Barack Obama is everybody thinks he's such a good guy and this is probably going to be quite a surprise to the nation and the world it is actually a heartless monster. We all expect this from Hillary Clinton the entire nation has become accustomed to her monstrous ways this is indicative of the character of Hillary Clinton this thing that I'm going through. But Barack Obama what a shocking Revelation he's a monster and he doesn't have any respect for life he most certainly doesn't care about small children either whether or not they have their mother and whether or not they're being abused he's a disgusting excuse for a man maybe it has something to do with his homosexuality

It is important to note that when I collapsed the officers did not come to me and offer to help me to my feet they stood there and asked if I was OK I can't stay on my feet chances are I am not OK right. They followed me and told me they wanted to drive me off the property NO WAY I am not getting in that police cruiser I have had enough of that crap. The security officer is guilty of abusing the system and these officers are catering to his wimps of bull shit he is a fat Latino that can't even do is job.

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