It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Sept. 20th 2019

When I went downtown there were minions everywhere ready to assault me verbally and physically. I was told to take pictures by the ex husband and I refused these monsters are starving me and they are making sure I am unable to bathe or get medical treatment why would I take their stupid pictures what is in it for me. I am sure the Trump Team and the Lord Team want the pictures and documentation as well and they too refuse to help me with the basics necessary to sustain life. Amazing they don't have common sense one that you can not walk a person all over the city with no food and expect them to keep generating results they desire.

Someone instructed Officer Dech to have an angry outburst on me and then they attempted to direct me to his location. They are so desperate to create my emotional break down. They are too stupid to understand that they will be held accountable for my break down in a court of law. That is terrorism and conspiracy to torture. The NSA agents are dumb enough to instruct officers to lie about the law and to give tickets for things that no one is guilty of. So you can bet it is the NSA too stupid to understand they will go to prison for the psychological games they are attempting to play. Chief McManus has not been in control of his police department in two years it is dirty agents and foreign agents who are controlling his officers? So what is he being paid for? Well is a high paid puppet, pawn for the foreign agents attacking our democracy he is virtually useless and has no mind of his own.
It is a large variety of these plates that are following me all over the city and tryiing to get me to do the things they want for their little games.

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