It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Monday, September 30, 2019

Writing the Mayor did no good other than making him commit more crimes

Channel 12 will be at the open City Council Meeting and they will want to know why you letting Chief commit felonies and Official Oppression

Dear Mr. Mayor;

My name is Dawn Neering and I am the woman who has been attacked by Chief McManus for an excess of four years. You are well aware of my situation and you sit ideally by doing nothing. 
Yesterday I had the Chief drive up on me. He claims I am stalking him I assure you it is much the opposite. I was working for a week when Chief McManus sent four officers at me harassing me. Then yanked me to Behavioral Health at which time I lost my job and my ability to pay child support. Every time I start to climb out of rock bottom he is there to push back down again with the help of your officers. I say your officers you are responsible. These officers had no lawful reason to yank me on the very day I was going to get my own place. I no longer have a job or the ability to get my own place. Last night I slept on the streets, correction I did not sleep at all. I had two different men approach me and one of them was armed when the details of this are looked at closely I promise there will a connection to Chief McManus. I also had a Alamo College Police Officer chasing me down, why; because he was told where I was and that I shouldn't be there. According to you and your Chief I shouldn't be anywhere.  It is wet and cold outside and there is no reason I should be homeless your precious Chief took my home and livelihood from me. Today I attempted to use Haven to have a safe place to be considering you will not stand up and do the right thing. I can not use any services in this city because the salvation army still has me listed in there computer systems. Why do they have me listed because that is what happens when Chief McManus makes phone calls and he has made numerous calls to this organization concerning me. He also called the CAM, The Hope House, and many more that I am not even aware of. When I found a house I wanted to rent he called the management company to make sure I was unable to rent it. 
As far as the Salvation Army they get on the news asking your constituents to make donations so they accommodate their homeless residents those donations are never given to the residents they are taken to the store to turn a profit. The picture on the website of personnel hygiene items are never given to the residents. The blankets and towels that are donated are not given to residents. They treat residents very badly violating their civil rights. They receive grant monies for drug testing and they never conduct any drug tests. They tell lies that they do not have any funds in their rapid rehousing account when they simply don't feel like helping rehouse residents. I can understand if a person doesn't qualify but I don't agree with lying and claiming to be a christian organization. The staff lie about the residents and cause deformation of their names and characters, want proof of this ask Officer Shannon who pulled me from the salvation army inquiring to the staff about my character. Yes that's right the Officer was violating the Privacy Act of 1974 and the staff of the Salvation Army has a policy they don't disclose personnel information not even to police officers and the information shared was lies. I did not break any rules and the 15 other residents that were being exited on the same did not break any rules the staff is lying to cover themselves. The moment they received bad press about the donations and the suicide attempt in November they started to empty their facility so they could keep that pink elephant hidden. Now they decided to help Chief McManus keep me on rock bottom by keeping me in their systems and I will not receive any services from any organization in this city because of their evil bidding. 
Would you like more proof? OK call the Deputy Chief of Alamo College Police department and ask him about his officers harassing me and the calls they received from Chief McManus and Congressman Castro asking the officers to harass me. The Deputy Chief ordered his officers to never bother me again because he wants nothing to do with Chief McManus and your official oppression. 
More proof? OK call the Olmos Park police chief and ask him about the three different officers that were sent to harass me. When I went through there chain of command their chief questioned them only to find that Chief McManus and Congressman Castro asked them to do it. 
Now think about this these adjacent cities knowing what is happening in yours and they want nothing to do with the corruption and embarrassment of San Antonio. How embarrassing for you Mister Mayor....there is much much more but I will allow the FBI to disclose this information to you and perhaps it won't be disclosed until we are all standing in a court of law.
Here's more the Veteran's Administration is not at all happy about your city abusing the system. He had me taken to Behavioral Health three times and it was unlawful and unwarranted. I have been tried and tested I am mentally competent and emotionally fit there is now a red flag on my file and if I am taken in one more time the Veterans Administration attorney's will be taking over. They may have started a suit at this time, I choose not to be privy since I have enough to deal with having officers all over me 24/7. Thousands of dollars in bills the Chief has racked up and you continue to do nothing and sit ideally by allowing it to happen and that is what channel 12 will cover. 
I will be at the open counsel meeting today and I will have channel 12 in tow. Channel 12 is the same group that covered the Salvation Army Corruption they won't turn from this story either. Why did you do nothing when you were informed of the Salvation Army Corruption? I would think the attempted suicide would enough for you to raise an eyebrow at the very least. 
I am going on four years of not being with my children and the city of San Antonio is responsible for this. My children are in an unfit and abusive environment and when I filed a police report to have a CPS investigation started Chief McManus stopped it. This nation will know what this city does to families rips them apart. Try to imagine not being able to see your little boy for nearly four years; try to imagine what that would feel like.....Do you have a heart? Compassion? Because I am seeing no evidence to the fact. 
This veteran and many others are homeless on the streets so it is obvious to me that you don't stand with the same view points as Taylor keeping vets off the streets after we gave our lives so you could have yours.
Sir you think Rosa Parks made an impact? SEE ME 
Those are my babies you are causing the abuse of. NO MORE I WILL NOT SUFFER NO MORE AND NOR WILL THEY...........
That which is in the dark always comes to light

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