It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Monday, September 30, 2019

Sept. 19th and 20th 2018

I was followed all night by minions in autos and on foot. Some of them were acting a fool a grown woman hanging out the window of a pick up truck laughing and waving. What's so funny is it that you are harassing and stalking and even though it is against the law you are getting away with it? Is that what is so funny? Wow, yee of small minds Winston Churchill talked about you. A man walked by when I was Houston street by the embassy he too was laughing. I have no idea what is so funny it doesn't make sense to me. But this is what Bullies do. Welcome to San Antonio the city of bullies and police officers are the worst of them all. I couldn't do much last night because I caught myself a virus and I am not going to push myself to collapsing when what I am doing isn't making a difference> They have not stopped or slowed down at all. I do not have shelter and safety. I don't have clean cloths I don't have a real meal. I was denied medical care after Castros and the Mayor made phone calls. I was going to start working at Hope House Ministers and they called Ed the Ref and told him to attack me like all the rest. They pay the minions 150.00 dollars each to attack me. I don't get paid they deny me food. Thankfully I have been able to obtain enough food to keep me alive.

This morning I ended up at Starbucks. I was talking with one of the homeless minions who had been sent at me a long time ago that I see often. There was a older man who is all over the place on these streets he is literally certifiable I was having a conversation with him one day a couple months ago and he snapped and started saying things that made no sense.
Today I asked him if he was a veteran because after he attacked the manager verbally and the minion I was talking with he was talking about the Domiciliary. This is a place for veterans who have mental diagnoses and that's exactly where he needs to be. When he started pulling a knife from his pants minion went to stop him and he pulled that knife out and pointed in the face of the minion inches from his face and the minion took it from him. When he took the bandanna off I saw a large chiefs knife. I was taken back with this. This man is mentally unstable I have seen him swearing at tourist yelling and screaming about 14 generations and it didn't make any sense try to imagine going on vacation and being confronted with this craziness and the entire time he was carrying a knife. That isn't what they are spending 1000.00 of dollars for that is the experience they will repeat across this country and you wonder why your airlines sales have only increased 4% use your brain. How about all those tourist that have had their vehicles towed and they had to go into a war zone to pay an outrageous amount of money to get their own property back, and you wonder why airline sales aren't increasing because you don't know how to treat people right your Neanderthals.

This morning 9am at the Starbucks park police was called about the knife and the fact that he whipped it out from inside his pants and was pointing it in someones' face threatening to do bodily harm. The first Officer to show up was Officer A. Segundo and I told him that the man had a knife and was trying to use it to do harm. This Officer said calm down having knife is not against the law. First of all I was not excited I was talking in a normal voice trying to talk to this officer, he wouldn't have it because he knew exactly who I am and he is guilty of sending criminals and homeless men at me as a favor to the Mayor and Castro Brothers you can bet the Chief has called him more than once. I walked away and when the minion came back to give a statement I was there trying to tell the officer what happened and he was rude as hell staring me down knowing I am the one the city officials of this city are attacking and Gomez showed up and went and talked to the unstable homeless man.
Officer A. Segundo said you know this man is no threat? A man who is mentally unstable swearing and yelling all over the streets whipping out knives is no threat. He had that knife inches from his face, that is or definition of no threat? I was taken to behavioral health because I asked the Chief a question and this man is left on the streets and they gave him his knife to have and hold.
  Halbrook, a lawyer and noted authority on the history of gun policy in Texas. He wrote about the laws in a paper titled “The Right to Bear Arms in Texas: The Intent of the Framers of the Bills of Rights,” which was published in the Baylor Law Review.
Halbrook said in his paper that the Bowie knife was originally used as “the main eating implement, to cut limbs from trees, and to skin and butcher game." But Texas lawmakers, determined to bring order and justice to the Texas frontier, outlawed all blades longer than 5½ inches, he said.
The new rules are not cut and dry.  Here are five things you need to know before strapping a 12-inch blade on your hip this fall.
Change in penal code language
Rep. John Frullo and Rep. Harold Dutton’s co-sponsored bill also removes the definition of “illegal knife” from Section 46.01(6) of the penal code,

It's not illegal? What the heck does this say? Do the officers not know how to read? Do they not keep themselves abreast to new laws? It's not illegal any more lies you want to spew in front of your coban recording device? Then Officer A. Segundo's brother came riding up and he was the same kind of rude and they are only doing this because of their guilt sending criminals and homeless men at me and the fact that the mayor is attacking me and they are helping. These men have issues and what is up with that huge mustache do you have a shaving profile? You can shave your chin but not your upper lip? Wow  I am no threat but these wonderful officers are harassing me all over this city being nasty and giving me tickets and no one else is receiving any, here is a perfect example this man didn't get any. The minion said I would have been skinned alive waiting for these guys to show up and he is absolutely right. This man that did this is a veteran and he is suffering serious mental illness he is left to starve on the streets having delusions and angry outbursts on anyone who gets too close. That's what the city of San Antonio Texas doe to their veterans they do it time and time again throwing veterans' under the bus to do favors for the Castro Brothers. I know all of you believe Senator Cornyn says he stands up for veterans but that is only for show people the man is dirty. I spent years believing he is was a good man and years I spent begging for his help only to watch him collude with the Castro Brothers and the President.
I talked to Gomez about Lady T and throwing her on the concrete and he doesn't remember anything about it. I concede that Gomez doesn't seem like the kind of person to do this and I wonder if she was sent at me because she has a false story. They were probably trying to gaslight me because they know I stand up for the underdog and I am a bit gullible. But I am learning and I questioned whether her story had validity because I am living through the hell in which I am living I chose to believe her and that may have been a mistake. I was repeating someone else's words and the Castros think they can use that to claim I am insane. Thanks for showing the world how smart you are not ....reminds me of Joaquin and his stupid M.S. statement wow you can't be that dumb.     

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