It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Monday, September 30, 2019

Jan. 03rd 2018 officers visiting claiming to be doing follow up

Jan. 03rd 2018 officers visiting claiming to be doing follow up

Officers from mental health unit showed up at salvation army at approximately 2100 claiming to be doing a follow up. They asked ridiculous questions and claimed they were sent by their supervisor to do a follow up. I guess they didn't trust the medical professionals at the VA medical Center to do the follow up that they are doing weekly. 
Officer Jon Sabo 210-859-1191 and his partner Henry ( Enrique), 210-819-3326 were questioning me and that was no big deal what was an extremely concerning is when these men informed me I was no longer allowed to correspond with city hall, the mayor's office and I am no longer allowed to file any police reports of any sort unless I contact them first. Well I attempted to contact on Jan. 4th and 5th and they refused to answer I guess that means I can not file at all.  
See how special I am if I am mugged and laying on the ground bleeding from the head I am not allowed to file a police report opposed to all other citizens. Nope not me I just lay there with no help what so ever from SAPD. Because Jon and his side kick Henry say so. 
Even more disturbing than this is the fact that Jon is telling me that if Chief McManus feels like calling the doctors in charge of my care and giving them directives it is perfectly OK for him to do that and it does not violate HIPPA. Chief McManus called Lisa Brown the director of the mental health unit of South West General on Dec. 1st discussing little ole' me how sweet. Weather or not the Chief called any of my other Doctors I do not know but I have faith in my Lord and my McSneaky to know that. 
Well of course I knew the truth but I like to be absolutely positive before I argue. I got the opinion of many medical professionals before I say "NO" your wrong. You are lying to citizens and hoping they don't know the truth. When Jon was stating these lies Henry stood there nodding his head in agreeance not debating at all. Henry you don't have to be his side kick you have a mind of your own. 

It's important to note that these men left and decided that I was not a threat to their precious Chief. They could have taken me away to behavioral Health right there at that moment but they did not do so. So either they were very irresponsible or when Shannon showed up the following morning stating that Jon said I needed to be taken in and I was a threat; she was either lying or Jon and Enrique were irresponsible. I am leaning towards Shannon lying and trying to put her unlawful oath breaking ways on Jon's shoulders and take all of the responsibility off herself. Since I have seen Shannon's lies for myself I strongly believe this to be the case. Shannon puts her lies on legal documents and she doesn't seem to think it will come back to haunt her.  Well Shannon the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results, you need help dear. 
Jon and Henry are actually good officers and so much more intelligent that I am accustom to dealing with however it is very upsetting for me to be lied to and have my intelligence insulted in this manner. Jon please stop lying to people just because you think you can get away with it....For god's sake don't say you really thought that's what the law was. 
Forgiveness will take time but will be achieved. 

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