It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Monday, September 30, 2019

October 4th 2018

Oct. 4th

October 4th 2018
I just walked two miles so I could get food that was being given away so I don't have to die like the director of FBI Christopher Wray wants me to do. I was followed by an SAPD helicopter and 4 different SAPD officers were passing me over and over again. There were minions everywhere and they had theior lights on beeping there horns. Here by the college two of the minions got in a car accident the pick up truck that was driven by the fat perverted mexican man I see everyday almost all day long. Karma Hey pervert get a gym memebership and get a damn job you don't have anything better to do than follow me all day everyday you are awaste of flesh.
Those dirty looks I am getting from the large white SUV that says POLICE in black letters on the side....You can stick your dirty looks where the sun doesn't shine you are the one breaking the law and violating your oath and you have audacity to give me your dirty looks? Can you say emotional intelligence? You can't because you don't know what it is don't try. But you should try growing up. You think I am a bad person wait until the nation sees what you have done! Maybe you can exercise that God complex in the unemployment line. 

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