It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Monday, September 30, 2019

DOJ Criminal Rights Division (Criminal Section)


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  2. On July 24th 2017 I was being evicted from my home I had let it go right to the last minute because officer deck have been instructed to tell me that I would be taking care of taking to safety and all of my belongings moved of course this was a lie this was a lie designed by Chief McManus and now that eviction is on my record forever and I owe that landlord a lot of money and actually I should say the city of San Antonio that landlord a lot of money these are the things that need to be cleared up
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  4. On July 13th the power in my home was shut off it was a hundred degrees outside and I had no electricity no air conditioner no way to charge my phone so that officer Christopher. Could make sure I stayed alive sergeant and chief McManus decided not to pull me out I stayed locked in my home for an additional 12 days and it was a hundred degrees outside I use the bathtub of water to keep my body temperature down but I did suffer I suffer to Dima iStuff suffered further starvation waiting for them to finish their investigation and come and get me because that was what I was told was going to happen once again after Christopher deck was left to argue with Sergeant McMahon Lehman and chief McManus to pull me out and to grow a moral compass these men don't have morals they don't have values they're nothing but monsters and officer Christopher duck knows that better than anybody
  5. On July 13th I ventured out of my home because I needed to charge my phone and when I ventured out of my home I had four different police officers chasing me down circling around and because I got a ride from somebody in a vehicle and they were looking for a woman on foot they were very confused and I watched it happen as I drove past these officers these officers and many others were ordered to take me by force why would I be taken by force Chief McManus why
  6. After I was finally able to escape the hell I once called home there was more than 16 police officers in my phone at one time I easily could see them following me around and chasing me wait till I tell the story about Devine Texas and how Congressman Castro ordered someone to have me left there with no money and no way back I walked it and when I got back here to San Antonio Texas there were officers everywhere that mysteriously knew where I was even though I didn't have a phone on me
  7. I'm so sorry Julian Castro I know that someday you want to be president I told you this before and I'm going to tell you again you're never going to be president my children and I are going to tell this story until the days we die you're welcome to earn any volts with this story because I'm well aware you're in my phone snooping around and the only thing you've done is called your brother and yell at him that doesn't do me or my children any good I am out here in fear for my life and you haven't lifted one finger to do anything and that's not a man that belongs in the Oval Office
  8. As far as July 21st when Congressman Castro Santa minion at me named Mike who said he wanted to give me a ride but he had an underlying agenda, terrorizing stuck to the Department of Justice Mike was in his car what to do to me I have gone 10 days without food do you know what that's like I was thoroughly convinced I was going to die do you know how painful that is so Mike offered me food but she refused to give it to me until I showed him my tits that's what a pig Congressman Castro is the fact that you never going to be
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  10. Once Upon a Time Julian Castro did have deniable plausibility he no longer has it because he foolishly thinks nobody will know that he was snooping around you my phone will then why did you make a phone call to your brother if you weren't snooping around in my phone there's plenty of people watching you son had you actually done something snooping in my phone might have been okay but since you did nothing nothing is what you're good at well that's it
  11. On July 18th I was going to a food pantry on Blanco Road there was a church there that its 6:30 p.m. has a food pantry for the homeless and the needy. Apparently Congressman Castro didn't want me to eat anything at all because he called that church and told them to cancel their food pantry when I got there there was signs in the window that said they had some agendas unexpected event they had to change you but what really happened was, I was in my phone listening to my plans that I were saying out loud I'm going to go to that food pantry and get some food so I don't die he then called the food pantry I wonder if we can get record of that Congressman probably
  12. Officer Christopher deck the only reason I'm alive today has been threatened by Chief McManus probably mare Nuremberg to silence they have threatened his livelihood his pension his career if he speaks the truth now how sick is that just had a police officer he's not allowed to tell the truth welcome to San Antonio police officers don't tell the truth and if they do they lose their job
  13. Officer Christopher deck the only reason I'm alive today has been threatened by Chief McManus probably mare Nuremberg to silence they have threatened his livelihood his pension his career if he speaks the truth now how sick is that just had a police officer he's not allowed to tell the truth welcome to San Antonio police officers don't tell the truth and if they do they lose their job
  14. Let's talk about minions minion Kimberly Pompa she was instructed to keep me locked in her home away from computers away from filing police reports away from talking to attorneys. She was also told that I drink and that she should get some alcohol and feed it to me. My bag was stolen when I accidentally fell asleep at San Antonio College that was Congressman he didn't like the fact that I had journals that I could take to a court of law so he saw to it that also taken with my birth certificate license social security card any way of living. Then when I went to Kimberly and told her her phone was in the bag and it was stolen she already knew. Congressman Castro had been telling her on Facebook he's so much likes to use Facebook. Kimberly Papa Was Then instructed to take me to Devine Texas and to leave me there. Eventually she did get the courage to do that after she became psycho beating her husband in the head with a shoe and these are the kind of people that Congressman Castro is sending at me. I then started to San Antonio Texas several Divine police officers and surrounding areas were sent at me watching me waiting to harass me and give me a ticket for any excuse they could think of. These officers and many others were instructed to do so by Congressman Castro. Mysteriously a truck driver to give me a ride asked me if I was a horror and if I would give him a b******. I wonder if the truck driver knows Congressman Castro. Most likely am I a long walk back to San Antonio was the very night that San Antonio police officer.
  15. When I arrived in San Antonio Texas from Devine Texas police officers knew exactly where I was as I was walking down Pleasanton Avenue several police officers were circling me. I was sitting at a bus stop and there was three young people at a school trespassing vandalizing the school. A police officer responded but he did not catch the vandals he did however spot me and circle me then as I walk down Pleasanton Avenue I had 3 different men stopping and asking if I would have sex for money if I needed a ride. Most of these people are criminals they have probation officers and those probation officers talk to Congressman Castro and chief McManus don't worry all the evidence will surface because my God Is Bigger Than You.
  16. The man I stay with now he was my friend until I came anywhere near him then Congressman Castro decided to introduce himself on Facebook. And like Kimberly Papa my friend was instructed to keep me in the apartment and keep me from downtown keep me from computers keep me from the FBI make sure I don't get help with my situation. Then my friend was instructed to sleep with me because Congressman Castro instructs all these men sleep with me I don't know what his Fascination is with having people sleep with me I think he needs therapy and medication it's become very clear. My friend is going to be so very disappointed that Congressman Castro a is not his friend at all and be is no longer a congressman but has become a convict
  17. I know this is already on the Block but I'm going to say it again the deputy chief of Alamo College police department is actually one of the good Chiefs so let's all take a moment and praise him cuz he actually owns and moral compass. That man confirmed the congressman Castro called him and instructed him to send officers to harass me Congressman Castro said things like she's crazy she uses drugs she drinks too much I don't know what else he said to the deputy chief but I do know this. The deputy chief tested me when I talk to him he invaded my personal space and expected some sort of strange reaction he didn't get a strange reaction I simply stepped back to maintain my personal space I don't know what kind of Lies it is the congressman Castro is telling people but I do know this it's all going to come out in the end and it's going to make for a great book congressman and this entire nation will see how sick you are and they say I'm sorry Julian but he just ruined your career you can blame him you can make him on it he's the one that did it. The only thing I'm doing is defending myself and fighting for my three small children and Julian I don't see you helping.
  18. Minion Jeff Reynolds drug court last year while he was at drug court they decided to cut him a deal he didn't have to go to jail for his drug charges as long as he's stuck with me he kept me away from computers kept me away from attorneys and kept me away from the FBI he wouldn't have to go to jail. And this is another case of a drug court probation officer helping Congressman Castro and she McManus recently I had a run-in with this minion Jeff Reynolds again the man is still doing drugs and getting away with it and he didn't have to complete his time in jail for his drug charges. Congressman Castro decided to call him and say gift on a place to stay for the evening and try to have sex with her once again we're on the sex thing again Congressman Castro just can't seem to get past making people try to have sex with me that's how sick he is. So the following day I decided I was going to leave the city and I was going to find a Megabus and get on it Congressman Castro website and when I went all over downtown looking for the Megabus That was supposed to be there on Broadway Street it wasn't there lo-and-behold Congressman Castro made a fake website for Megabus. When I told my friend Jeff the minion for congress come in Castro he decided he liked it it was funny that they were playing games with my life. The young drug addict doesn't know how to use his phone and tipped me off to what he was doing. Congressman Castro is still talking to him via Facebook and text messages I wonder if we can retrieve the proof from that congressmen most likely.
  19. Both Congressman Castro and chief McManus decided to call the Salvation Army employee and tell them to give me a hard time they received an entire block of instruction that I don't know the details up. I do however know that I was no longer having a place to stay because Congressman Castro had called Mary and the employee of the Salvation Army and she was told that I should be outed. There's many things wrong with the Salvation Army however the Privacy Act of 1974 was violated several times by Marianne she's not supposed to be disclosing any information that I'm even there let alone giving personal information to two police officers that showed up unlawfully claiming to do a follow up with me which was a lie
  20. I filed a police report and talk to a detective at Prue Road substation the case number is CFS sapd 201-800-0496 to detective regular is the one who took the report he told me that he would be notifying CPS and investigation would start. After chief McManus and Congressman Castro made a few phone calls this CPS investigation never started nothing is being done to help my children they are living in filth they are being abused emotionally mentally and physically and they have no help because of the very sick men Congressman Castro and chief McManus their father is too lazy to clean the apartment that they live in he is too lazy to help them clean their bodies and maintain proper personal hygiene of our children he cannot even maintain his own personal hygiene and my children have to continue to suffer because Chief McManus breaks laws and has no moral compass he cares not about three small children he only cares about attacking me and throwing me under the bus so the city of San Antonio doesn't find out there was an sapd officer trying to kill me
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  22. In November I was walking down Hildebrand Avenue towards my friends house of course I don't have any friends those are congressmen Castro's friends. Congressman Castro sent yet another menu not me his name was Juan he was going to give me a ride period when he was told I hadn't eaten in 2 days he said that he would give me food if I slept with him I refused and said no I won't be doing that. The man took me to a house anyway I had to get loud and forceful to get out of his vehicle these are the kind of people that Congressman Castro can sort with because he is the same kind of sick birds of the same feather flock together
  23. I filed a police report and talk to a detective at Prue Road substation the case number is CFS sapd 201-800-0496 to detective regular is the one who took the report he told me that he would be notifying CPS and investigation would start. After chief McManus and Congressman Castro made a few phone calls this CPS investigation never started nothing is being done to help my children they are living in filth they are being abused emotionally mentally and physically and they have no help because of the very sick men Congressman Castro and chief McManus their father is too lazy to clean the apartment that they live in he is too lazy to help them clean their bodies and maintain proper personal hygiene of our children he cannot even maintain his own personal hygiene and my children have to continue to suffer because Chief McManus breaks laws and has no moral compass he cares not about three small children he only cares about attacking me and throwing me under the bus so the city of San Antonio doesn't find out there was an sapd officer trying to kill me
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  25. When I arrived in San Antonio Texas from Devine Texas police officers knew exactly where I was as I was walking down Pleasanton Avenue several police officers were circling me. I was sitting at a bus stop and there was three young people at a school trespassing vandalizing the school. A police officer responded but he did not catch the vandals he did however spot me and circle me then as I walk down Pleasanton Avenue I had 3 different men stopping and asking if I would have sex for money if I needed a ride. Most of these people are criminals they have probation officers and those probation officers talk to Congressman Castro and chief McManus don't worry all the evidence will surface because my God Is Bigger Than You.
  26. When officer Shannon and officer Casper picked me up for another illegal emergency detention at the Salvation Army. They took my possessions and put them in the sapd property room. Shannon failed to collect all of my personal property she left several items out and I think it was purposely. When I went to collect my things from the property room my enemies didn't want me to go they were worried about something because they knew officer Shannon didn't collect all of the items. No nevermind to me it's just stuff however it does prove that this woman has no moral compass no common sense she's drawing no Line in the Sand to determine right from wrong. After all she wrote giant lies on a legal document that can be proven Without A Reasonable Doubt to be lies apparently she didn't have enough sense to think well maybe I shouldn't be lying on a legal document maybe she shouldn't be.
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  28. Speaking of government agencies that Congressman Castro has called let's talk about the department of domestic relations here in San Antonio in the courthouse. They have told me on 3 different occasions that they are going to help me and then when they start to help me they stop suddenly For No Good Reason however there is a good reason it's called a phone call from Congressman Castro making sure it doesn't happen because his friend Greg Marshall will be charged with several crimes if the department of domestic relations helps me. If the Department of domestic relations investigates mycase am I court orders that don't make any sense whatsoever Gregory Marshall will go to prison Tamara Morrissey will be disbarred and Congressman Castro there's huge charges felonies that you're guilty of some of which I don't even comprehend but I'm sure the doj will comprehend them.
  29. I July 25th after I was evicted from my home I sold most of my household possessions. Then I went to get a storage unit for the items that I wanted to keep. When I went to get the storage unit those items I want to keep wear on the front lawn. Mr. Santiago the close personal friend of the Castro Brothers was in his yard next to my home. When I went to get my storage unit he decided to share with all the neighbors I was giving all those items away. Mr. Santiago is the same man that broke into my home and broke the air conditioning he was asked to do so by Congressman Castro. I filed several police reports against mr. Santiago for vandalizing my home I saw him with my own eyes when I was coming home he was coming out of my yard all of those police reports I filed are now gone disappeared. When my landlord was coming to evict me thanks to Chief McManus and sergeant gilomen mr. Santiago decided to butt in and tell the landlord yes officers were here a lot but only because she's crazy. Another favor to Congressman Castro. Of course Congressman Castro has guaranteed people like mr. Santiago that they will suffer no consequences for the laws they are breaking to do him a favor. Of course this man really never suffer the consequences of his crimes. It was a little bird that told me he was communicating with my enemies and the only reason he continuously came to my home and bothered me was because he was prompted to do so by my ex-husband and Congressman Castro.
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  31. I'd like 25th while this was happening at my home because of mr. Santiago's actions there was a young man in a white car following me all the way down San Pedro I walked 5 miles to get back to my home collect my things and put them in a storage unit. So they sent this young man to follow me and make sure I didn't get back to my home before all of my possessions had been stolen by the neighbors that mr. Santiago sent to my yard. Young man in the white car kept circling me he would go up 2 blocks turn around and wait for me to walk past his automobile then he would go up to more blocks wait until I walk past his vehicle and drive up again he repeated this all the way to my home. When I got back to my home all of my items have been ransacked I was only able to save a small portion however the small portion that I did save was evidence all of my case files out of my journals all of my phone's my computer evidence.
  32. I July 25th after I was evicted from my home I sold most of my household possessions. Then I went to get a storage unit for the items that I wanted to keep. When I went to get the storage unit those items I want to keep wear on the front lawn. Mr. Santiago the close personal friend of the Castro Brothers was in his yard next to my home. When I went to get my storage unit he decided to share with all the neighbors I was giving all those items away. Mr. Santiago is the same man that broke into my home and broke the air conditioning he was asked to do so by Congressman Castro. I filed several police reports against mr. Santiago for vandalizing my home I saw him with my own eyes when I was coming home he was coming out of my yard all of those police reports I filed are now gone disappeared. When my landlord was coming to evict me thanks to Chief McManus and sergeant gilomen mr. Santiago decided to butt in and tell the landlord yes officers were here a lot but only because she's crazy. Another favor to Congressman Castro. Of course Congressman Castro has guaranteed people like mr. Santiago that they will suffer no consequences for the laws they are breaking to do him a favor. Of course this man really never suffer the consequences of his crimes. It was a little bird that told me he was communicating with my enemies and the only reason he continuously came to my home and bothered me was because he was prompted to do so by my ex-husband and Congressman Castro.
  33. Just last week Congressman Castro decided to lie until one of the Minions that I no longer want my children or want to be with them another person without Common Sense let me show you what I mean. Go ahead and take a look at this blog look at all of the government agencies I've contacted for help to fight for my children and to fight for justice. Most of these government agencies did not help me and why because Congressman Castro called them and told them not to help me he has various lies like she's mentally incompetent she uses drugs she drinks out of thin air and says them. Then he doesn't have enough common sense to realize he's going to get caught in his lies his some of his lies are felonies most of his official oppression is going to cost him a prison sentence and as long as I breathe I'm going to make sure it happens.
  34. When officer Shannon and officer Casper picked me up for another illegal emergency detention at the Salvation Army. They took my possessions and put them in the sapd property room. Shannon failed to collect all of my personal property she left several items out and I think it was purposely. When I went to collect my things from the property room my enemies didn't want me to go they were worried about something because they knew officer Shannon didn't collect all of the items. No nevermind to me it's just stuff however it does prove that this woman has no moral compass no common sense she's drawing no Line in the Sand to determine right from wrong. After all she wrote giant lies on a legal document that can be proven Without A Reasonable Doubt to be lies apparently she didn't have enough sense to think well maybe I shouldn't be lying on a legal document maybe she shouldn't be.
  35. After I was finally able to escape the hell I once called home there was more than 16 police officers in my phone at one time I easily could see them following me around and chasing me wait till I tell the story about Devine Texas and how Congressman Castro ordered someone to have me left there with no money and no way back I walked it and when I got back here to San Antonio Texas there were officers everywhere that mysteriously knew where I was even though I didn't have a phone on me
  36. On July 13th I ventured out of my home because I needed to charge my phone and when I ventured out of my home I had four different police officers chasing me down circling around and because I got a ride from somebody in a vehicle and they were looking for a woman on foot they were very confused and I watched it happen as I drove past these officers these officers and many others were ordered to take me by force why would I be taken by force Chief McManus why
  37. The San Antonio fatherhood Campaign which the Castro brothers are not only contributors but they are members of as well is hurting the community is not helping the community as a non-profit should be. These men who are members of the San Antonio fatherhood campaign enjoy attacking mother's in a math painting them from their children. I am not the only mother who's been attacked by this organization I've just been attacked more than any other mother and I fought back more than any other mother. I met a man named Greg at least that's what he said his name was who is working with the San Antonio fatherhood campaign and as I watched him do a line of cocaine he told me he would be taking his children from their mother then he was going to move to Hawaii so their mother would never see them again exactly what my ex-husband has done to me and my children and that is what the San Antonio fatherhood campaign does tears apart families causes child abuse and emancipates mothers from their children. They told us lies in a court of law so that very sick men end up with their children in an effort to get revenge from their Ex-Wives or the mothers of their children. And Julian Castro and Joaquin Castro help them do this and help them cover up their eyes and other various crimes that they commit attacking mothers the Castro Brothers don't care about children and whether or not they're abused or in a healthy household they don't care that these children are losing a parent and they should not have to lose either parent the Castro brothers are very sick men and they need to be brought to Justice and I will see to it that they are
  38. The San Antonio fatherhood Campaign which the Castro brothers are not only contributors but they are members of as well is hurting the community is not helping the community as a non-profit should be. These men who are members of the San Antonio fatherhood campaign enjoy attacking mother's in a math painting them from their children. I am not the only mother who's been attacked by this organization I've just been attacked more than any other mother and I fought back more than any other mother. I met a man named Greg at least that's what he said his name was who is working with the San Antonio fatherhood campaign and as I watched him do a line of cocaine he told me he would be taking his children from their mother then he was going to move to Hawaii so their mother would never see them again exactly what my ex-husband has done to me and my children and that is what the San Antonio fatherhood campaign does tears apart families causes child abuse and emancipates mothers from their children. They told us lies in a court of law so that very sick men end up with their children in an effort to get revenge from their Ex-Wives or the mothers of their children. And Julian Castro and Joaquin Castro help them do this and help them cover up their eyes and other various crimes that they commit attacking mothers the Castro Brothers don't care about children and whether or not they're abused or in a healthy household they don't care that these children are losing a parent and they should not have to lose either parent the Castro brothers are very sick men and they need to be brought to Justice and I will see to it that they are
  39. On July 24th 2017 I was being evicted from my home I had let it go right to the last minute because officer deck have been instructed to tell me that I would be taking care of taking to safety and all of my belongings moved of course this was a lie this was a lie designed by Chief McManus and now that eviction is on my record forever and I owe that landlord a lot of money and actually I should say the city of San Antonio that landlord a lot of money these are the things that need to be cleared up
  40. When I arrived in Texas to fight for my children I continuously went on free consultations with attorneys. Those attorneys advised me to go to the Family Justice Center and get a PPO order against my ex-husband he was stalking and harassing me following me around the city and sending his friends to do so as well. I went to the Family Justice Center three times I took all my police reports I wrote my statements out and I talked to a young lady named Priscilla each and every time she did not add my PPO order. It took me a very long time to figure out what was going on and why she would do such a thing because you see in 2013 the same woman Priscilla approved my PPO order against my ex-husband and I had less than half the police reports that I now have. The first PPO order that was approved they were unable to serve my ex-husband and I was informed that it was Nolan void because they could not serve him he was advised not to get served by Tamara Morrissey in the other members and San Antonio fatherhood campaign. But the denial from 2014 to the present day was due to Congressman Castro calling Da lahood's office and asking for a favor. Congressman Castro made sure I didn't get that PPO order against my ex-husband even though I had all the all the police reports needed I had pictures I had written statements I had Witnesses I had license plate numbers dates and times and there was no reason for me to be denied the PPO order other than the phone call made by Congressman Castro. It was a little bird told me what was happening with DA lahood's office apparently do you a little hood is just as crooked and dirty as the Castro Brothers. I can't say if Congressman Castro talk to Da lahood or if he talk directly to Priscilla but one thing's for sure I did not get the PPO order that I should have been granted.
  41. After my first visit with the FBI they told me that I needed to collect up all of my police reports and bring them in. So I began to do so some of them I had hard copies already but I decided to get more copies for the FBI headquarters. When I attempted to collect my police reports I found out that they were missing from records many of my police reports were deleted they disappeared Into Thin Air luckily I have hard copies of some of them that were deleted it was a hard battle and I had to go through the chain command but I battled it. I talk to a sergeant Spencer who was a very arrogant man who says these things happen sometimes police reports just get deleted there are only three people and sapd records that have the right to delete police report of course he was one of them. It took me literally years to find out what was happening to my police reports and why obviously the Castro brothers and chief McManus are Bosom Buddies as we all can see from looking at this blog and my beautiful life. Obviously Congressman Castro years ago and I had no idea the police reports that were being deleted where the police reports of my ex-husband's crimes they were making sure they disappeared so they never got brought into a court of law. The poor boys were sloppy because I had hard copies of most of them I was only missing a couple and when I took those hard copies into sapd records and said where are they nobody could answer my question. Then mysteriously something called call sheets with showing up not actual police reports that were written by police officers but something called a call sheet. It's like a generic copy it doesn't have all the information it's not the original report my original reports were disappearing and something called a call sheet with showing up. And the only reason those were showing up was because I had hard copies of the actual reports and I went directly into sapd and said what are you doing or nobody care to share what they were doing though Congressman Castro could tell you all about it cuz he's the one that caused it
  42. I was moving from the GI Forum to the prior house I was moving because I was being stalked and harassed by police officers they were constantly outside of the GI Forum I had fellow gi's come to get me and say you see that unmarked car there it's sitting right below your window is it there because of you of course they knew it was there because of me because everybody in the GI Forum knew that I was being stalked and harassed by police officers. I had already been to the FBI headquarters twice and they told me to start taking pictures that's when they told me to collect all the police reports collect the pictures. When I was taking a picture of a police cruiser was unmarked car it was a light brown color the police officer became very angry kind of chased me down he asked me sternly are you taking a picture of this police cruiser. I simply said yes and kept walking he got in the police cruiser and circled around the parking lot to come back to me again I don't know what his intentions were he got out of his vehicle and started walking towards me. Lucky for me I was at a bus stop and the bus pulled up I jumped on that bus quickly. Now of course I make mistakes and there were some police officers that were not stalking me and they were not harassing me I took their pictures to they looked up at me and then ignored me obviously these police officers were not involved and I quickly deleted their pictures I was very careful to take pictures of only the police officers that were actually stalking and harassing me. It was very easy to see the difference between the ones who were genuinely there to stalk and harass me because when I took pictures of them they became very angry and they approached me with their anger some of them even told me that I wasn't allowed to take pictures however when an FBI agent tells you to take the pictures I'm pretty sure it's okay.
  43. When I was moving to the prior house I was trying to keep it a secret I wanted to go into hiding however the director of the GI Forum who became mysteriously a close personal friend of Congressman Castro as I knew would happen. He then shared the information with Congressman Castro who shared the information with every member of the San Antonio fatherhood campaign period on the particular day that I was making the move I was at the San Antonio College and I was being followed by my ex-husband and several of his friends it was very scary. I attempted to make police reports but they quickly disappeared after I make them. Also after this incident was one of the many times that I tried to get a PPO order and failed. This is stalking and harassing me and it wasn't just one person it was many I have spent years writing down license plate numbers locations times descriptions and taking pictures not filing police reports of course simply documentation. Of course Congressman Castro wanted me to file police report so I could look like a lunatic however I didn't fall into his little scheme must have been frustrating for him
  44. Turning my children's birthdays the stalking and harassing is always worse it's scary they get close there's many of them on my son's birthday October 2nd 2016 was one of those scary days there was a black unmarked vehicle. It look like a police vehicle and that was because it used to be it was one of those vehicles that you purchased at auction this young man followed me to work followed me back from work to the GI Forum. Then he sat outside of the GI Forum for hours I informed the security guards who then went outside and took down the the license plate number and then they call the non-emergency line to get a police officer to the GI Forum. That police officer didn't show up for quite a while however that vehicle pulled away from the GI Forum and was pulled over by a different police officer. While that unmarked vehicle was being detained by a police officer a police officer responded to the non-emergency call we then informed him that the vehicle was on Frio Street and it had been pulled over by different police officer he checked in his computer and it is none of the information that has been put into the computer yet because the vehicle is still being to detained. The police officer that responded to the non-emergency call then left the GI Forum. The following day I had at least 10 police officers circling the GI Forum I was walking over to file a police report and I was chased and followed by several police officers. When I went to file my police report after the incident that occurred I learned that the non-emergency call had disappeared from the system the fact that the vehicle had been pulled over by a police officer also disappeared from the from the computer systems. All record of these incidents disappeared period after going to FBI headquarters on November 4th 2016 I attempted to obtain copies of the incident from the computer systems of the GI Forum and when I did so the security officer and I discussed the issue he gave me a witness statement and when he pulled the record out of the computer it had been changed. The vehicle listed was a Taurus which is a small car and the vehicle that I had been stalked and harassed by was a black Ford Explorer there's a huge difference. The license plate had also been changed. Security officer wolf said that he had no choice you could only give me what was in the computers then he informed me the only person in the entire building that is allowed to make changes in the system is the director Aaron Cavazos it makes it pretty obvious that that's the man that changed the computer system after receiving a phone call from Congressman Castro. So what I gave the FBI was a print up a false information and then my own statement of the real information not going to help my case much now is it thank you Congressman Castro.
  45. On April 21st 2017 it was my daughter Ava Joe's birthday. I went to the flower shop and purchased a bouquet of flowers and a card stating happy birthday your mother loves you I had it sent to her school otherwise she would never get it. I did it very early in the morning and then I tried to go to work. After my ex-husband realized what I had done maybe he was notified by the school I am not sure I was chased down in my taxi several different Vehicles pickup trucks small cars they were nearly hitting my taxi and they were attempting to force the taxi off the road. Later in the day I learned from a little bird that officer A Flores of the South substation had threatened my life apparently he wanted to kill me simply because I sent a bouquet of flowers to my child school for her birthday how sick is that. This is the stupid way in the San Antonio fatherhood campaign Acts including the Castro Brothers. I spent the entire day dodging vehicles that were aggressive and scary. At approximately 1300 hours I went back to FBI headquarters again for the 3rd or 4th time I don't know on this day I spent quite a bit of time with an agent at FBI headquarters. It was agent Jamie I gave her the password to my her and I were the only ones with the password to that block. After I was locked in my house because officer Flores decided my life had to be taken and he was at my home every night to do the job. While I was not tending to that Blog videos of me interacting with police officers disappeared videos of mr. Santiago vandalizing my home and talking to a police officer that I called those videos have disappeared from my blog. Also I had several police reports scanned and posted to the block those have disappeared as well. Frank Castro Juniors profile and all of the lies that I pointed out in that profile have disappeared. Since that time I was able to restore some of those things I was unable to restore the videos. It seems to me Agent Jamie shared the password to the blog with Chief McManus and God knows who else. I'm going to give agent Jamie the benefit of the doubt until I finally receive an explanation as to why she would do such a thing. I'm kind of wondering if the explanation will come with President Trump saying you're fired

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