It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Monday, September 30, 2019


I was in my house pleading for my life dying and she was listening doing nothing. Her loyality to James Comey went out the window when I was able survive the very painful starvation and I survived the psycho officer A. Flores trying to break in my house and shoot me in the head I then needed to survive dozens upon dozens of police officers sent to my house to take me by force to the Chiefs' office and had they succeeded I would have never seen the light of day. I survived a bunch of agents and officers gas lighting me into thinking I had the help of the FBI and officers were being arrested and none of it was happening at all.
I then went ot Austin to talk to the FBI and my enemies sent the idiots Rell Rice in my path to keep out of FBI.
So I walked from there to temple Texas they sent more idiots in my path and I walked to RoundRock where I intercepted by an idiot named Mike who sells real estate. I got to Temple texas and all the VA Medical center employees were colluding with the Castro Brothers.
I walked from there to Waco Texas and the entire way I was being attacked by Castro Brothers monsters I was followed by some creeps from San Antonio every step of the way. It's a very long story this is the short of it.
It took me two days to be seen by Waco FBI because they too were colluding with the Castro Brothers when I finally got in that office I talked to an agent Mike who had been on the force for 28 years or something like he was retiring soon and good thing too because this is a dirty agent. There's a lot that happened there but I told Mike that the last agent I talked to was agent Jamie and she was beautiful, smart, down to earth, compassionate and so on. I believed all that about Jamie too. Boy was I wrong she is a monster who walks around convincing people she has human qualities. She has none. She is unfit to be a mother and unfit to be an agent this woman is unfit to be an american. So Agent Mike from Waco called Agent Jamie in San Antonio you can imagine the bullshit she told him she is crazy and you need to tell her to come back to San Antonio so they could attack and torture me here in San Antonio they didn't have nearly as much control in Waco you could have fooled me they had every Officer in Waco helping them and they had every VA police officer attacking me too. 

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