It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Monday, September 30, 2019

San Antonio's biggest criminals Sept. 15th 2018

San Antonio's biggest criminals Sept. 15th 2018

These monsters are still at their same ole' tactics I had numerous vehicles following me through the city just now and I had two criminals approach me, sit down uninvited and as usual I test them to see why they were approaching me and invading my space. Mysteriously the two men who were bothering me in the last two and half hours have had run ins with the law in the last month.
That's right folks the Castro Brothers and the city officials have not yet stopped attacking me. The sick Mayor Ron Nirenberg and his sick city manger Cheryl Sculley are so supportive of the Chief of Police William McManus as he has his officers and Park Police Officers scouring the streets for criminals they can send at me to attack me. The difference now? I don't have a phone that I can cry  out of help. When I am attacked now I will die with no help what so ever investigating agent or Officers (because there are still a few good officers that haven't been corrupted by these common criminals), but I don't get any help because Chief McManus and the Castro Brothers stole one of my phones and fried all the rest so I can't use them. They keep getting away with it. Dozens upon dozens of crimes committed by each one of these criminals and they go unpunished. I am still on the streets and being attacked fighting for my life begging for my life as the Mayor laughs that I am in danger and starving to death and I don't even have so much as a phone to get help when I am attacked I will simply die and that is exactly what these monsters who call themselves city officials want.

See this woman here she is embezzling hundreds of thousands of dollars from this city and when a review of her activity is requested it falls upon deaf ears. NO REVIEW HAPPENS. Julian Castro is the puppet master of all these criminals the KINGPIN who is colluding with Russians and controlling the city of San Antonio. 
That ignorant look on her face is her constant state of being she treats the residents of San Antonio in the same manner because she doesn't have enough sense to know she works for the residents and she is NOT above them. Without them she wouldn't have a job and she is as arrogant and nasty as they come. You can bet that Mayor Taylor is getting this ugly look because she was disagreeing with the city manager and of course how dare anyone disagree with this embezzling two faced criminal? Perhaps if she wasn't embezzling funds than this city wouldn't be needing to illegally charge tourist to pay for their own property after San Antonio impounds their vehicles. Or when victims suffer stolen auto and have to pay to obtain their own property. This person is as greedy and shallow as they come. 

There is a good thing to the fried phone people like Joseph Trevino who decided to join in the criminal activity and hack into my phone no longer have access to me. Listening to my every conversation and my every thought that i make the mistake of verbalizing. Reading all messages and memos as if any of it is any of his business. I assure you there were more city council members doing exactly as he was doing and the investigating agents watched it happen it will all come to light in the end.

Every time I have ever seen this man this is exactly what he is doing kissing up to the mayor brown nosing you may say. He goes a little too far with worshiping this man. The day I asked the Mayor if I could have a word with him, Joe Trevino kept coming to the bench I was sitting on circling it like a shark about to attack. He was laughing like a high school child, a bully. Because it is apparently funny that this city has attacked a mother fighting for her children and fighting to live on the streets where she was put by all the city officials of San Antonio this very sick man decided to join the rest hack into my phone violating my civil rights and the constitution of the united states. Gee does he have enough sense to know what he was doing is a felony? If he doesn't should he really be a member of city council? 

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