It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

the poisoning of a wife and mother a family affair

 in this case where a chiropractor was killed you'll see a mirror of My Own Story. That's the poison that was being used I knew somebody that was taking that medication for gout. and he was my roommate. that makes it a lot easier to get the medication into my coffee. now I was just told that my daughter Ariel was involved that doesn't mean it's true. That's what my sick husband is telling me. On the same note it doesn't make it untrue either it would make sense she was with me 24 hours a day she was always with me she was always playing around with my food my drink and making me food and drink to. only the investigators know the truth. And right now I'm not getting any communication from the investigators quite in fact the investigators checked out 7 months ago they gave me the message that I was on my own. So when I gaslighted by my ex-husband because I thought I was communicating with investigators and christopher dech it is my own fault i was dooped because investigators told me they were going into steath ghost mode. I thought they returned to provide guidance. Because I was weak and broken barely hanging on I needed to hear and see them to keep myself going. The poison of choice makes sense. what my daughters motive was or is only investigators know that I can't even imagine.

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