It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

It was Gregory Marshall that's been gaslighting me this entire time all of my faults stories in my faults of beliefs is because he was in my phone giving me information pretending to be investigating FBI agent and officer Christopher dock he would copy the forms of communication these agents and officers were using to relate information to me to instruct me to do certain things to instruct me to take pictures Gregory Marshall then watched while he hacked my phone illegally watch them communicating with me and he copied every form of communication I had with investigating agents I have been tortured all year this year and my life was nearly taken by my ex-husband and investigating agents still refused to pulled me to safety they still have my ex-husband out there he's still in my phone I'm in excruciating pain I have no money and nowhere to go have not bathed in a month I don't have any food and the investigating agents and officer Christopher. Claimed to be doing an actual investigation they claim be concerned about my health and well-being yeah I'm still out here and they have not pulled me to safety what they're claiming is lies and they are sociopaths to sit back and watch my ex husband do this to me. and it is 12:30pm and i walked this entire city looking for an apartment that never existed i kept myself going hoping for a bath and a bed. he turned the sprinklers on a assisted living residence that is how stupid and sick my ex husband is.
FBI investigating agents are just as sick they refuse to arrest him and pull me to safety.  I thought it odd the FBI would purchase an apartment then just leave it sit there waiting for me to find it on my own instead of picking me up and giving me a ride to it or telling me the address. But as you can see FBI investigating agents still have me out here being tortured after 2 and 1/2 years 6 years away from my children so do you see how easy it was for me to convince that these sick investigating agents were sick enough to leave an apartment out there without disclosing the location to me so that they could play with the heads of my enemy like the Barack Obama team and the sapd team and the foreign agent team that's what we have a bunch of teams fighting against each other playing games with each other's heads but I'm the one being tortured on the one in the middle I'm the one being manipulated they're using me against one another the planes are flying by there's no more pictures I'm not doing it you can all go to hell all of you are sociopaths our nation is littered with sociopaths you're sick I keep begging you to call me to safety and you keep ignoring me keeping this thing going that's how sick you are you don't need to do any more you have enough to put him in prison you have enough to put Barack Obama in prison you have enough to put President Trump in prison but you keep this going torturing me as I beg to be pulled to safety there will be no more pictures or stories

I thought Officer Christopher Dech cared but you don't allow someone you care about going through poisoning and starvation exterme gas lighting and sit on your ass doing nothing is what Officer Dech does as I beg for my life

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