It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

starbucks on Locke hill selma

today at the Starbucks there's been many minions stalkers and harassers sent in .  many of these stalkers in harassers were given a block of instruction they were told to stare me down and watch me take pictures and when I did they were told to have an angry Outburst at me screaming and yelling in my face I have been through this for years . I'm well aware of the block of instruction they were given because they are staring me down giving me dirty looks they are uncontrollable  unstable and when they start screaming and yelling in my face as they alwaysdo that will be cause for them to receive a psychiatric evaluation because they are highly unstable . The picture of the back of the man just showed up staring me down giving me dirty looks you're the one that is a stalker and a harasser I have not broken the law you're breaking the law staring me down with all that anger getting ready to scream at me  just make sure crime that much bigger in that much worse . When you received your block of instruction the FBI watched it they documented it they know exactly what's happening the fact that you agreed to do it shows intent  it also shows a cause for a psychiatric evaluation you people are unstable . 
these people are absolutely ruthless I was sitting in my own little corner of Starbucks and because I was sharing some very sad and emotional stories on my phone I did cry  they were giving me dirty looks looking at me like my behavior was offencive  I'm in my own space it's none of your business  and I think you're very sick . 

 This silver 4Runner was driving so angrily he was guilty of reckless driving he pulled into the parking spot so hard and fast that he ran over the logs. Then he backed up in the logs pulled away from the landscape he ruined his bumper and his ground effects. I'm guessing that he's angry because he doesn't want to be doing the stalking and harassing but he agreed to do it and now he has to do it. This man is one of the many who agreed to have Angry Outburst in my face to be screaming and yelling at me you see my ex-husband is hoping for an emotional breakdown that's why he brought my baby to my face yesterday to create this emotional breakdown that only he thinks that he can create. There are many careers on stake here many people's lives will be ruined if he does not create the emotional breakdown that he's so dreams up these people are all extremely stupid for believing a sociopath that he can cause my emotional breakdown we've been doing this for years he's never been successful. All of you are showing that you have no sense you have an inability to learn you're unable to look at the pattern throughout the years of torturing me and being unable to create the emotional breakdown that you sow dream of.  you are supposed to be highly trained agents and investigators you're supposed to be able to profile people you're supposed to pay attention to the details and characterize people first of all you're unable to see that he's a rapist and a murderer you were unable to see that he's a sociopathic has no ability to feel empathy it doesn't make you very good agent that doesn't make you very good investigators it and you most certainly are unable to profile anybody it makes you rather dim-witted.
 earlier today I mentioned in front of my phone that I have been spending time avoiding being in the company of children because I miss my children so much it hurts. So Gregory Marshall decided to make a phone call to a few moms and ask them to bring in their children to Starbucks and instruct the children to say mom a lot and that's exactly what they did yes of course I flinched and looked around to see if it was my own children because that's what moms do.  however this event is not going to create the emotional outbursts that Gregory Marshall has promised all of you I've been training for this event this adversity since the day I was born none of you have what it takes to cause my emotional breakdown you would have been better off killing me cuz now you're screwed

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