It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

our government paying for foreign agents activities

These are the foreign agents that decided to partake and gang stalking and harassment. They showed up at 7 a.m. they are still here at 9 a.m. they said in their vehicle and received a block of instruction in their phone to get some food and eat in front of me because they are fully aware that I am starving to death and of course as you can imagine watching foreign agents eat in front of me while I'm starving driving a government-owned vehicle is highly up setting.
While I was announcing in my phone that all these foreign agents are going to Chri going to Chris Wood.

While I was talking to my phone and now it's saying how the foreign agents are going to prison and that I am fully aware that you have enough to take them away now right now and I shouldn't have to suffer any longer they seem quite surprised that they're going to prison. Not a real smooth move for them to be speaking their native tongue these foreign agents are very blatant about who they are and what they're doing they seem to think that they are invincible and they're going to get away with all of their crimes they're sociopaths and nobody should expect them to be smart. They are killers and to the core they have no human qualities whatsoever. This woman will not be taking her baby with her when she is sent back to her own country it's my guess that she will never see that baby she will not raise the baby and after what you've done to me I'm sorry I don't have a bleeding heart. I just saw my baby yesterday she doesn't know me he doesn't want to know me he basically hates me 6 years being away from him and he couldn't even recognize me he did however admit that they have pictures of me probably too. And they probably got those pictures on accident. Because I know their father won't let them have pictures he destroys them whenever they show up. I'm mysterious white night probably sent my Aiden some pictures in an email and those are probably the only pictures they have.

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