It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Tuesday, September 17, 2019


I don't have a picture of the officer but I have the story and there's also a Coban recording. My enemies and I don't know which group of enemies flushed me out of the Starbucks this morning and kept demanding that I take pictures. I took a few pictures people got ignorant with me and then I decided you know what I'm starving to death I have no food it is hot very hot out here and you expect me to walk around the city taking pictures I never get any reward for the pictures so why on Earth would I take the pictures that you are requesting that doesn't make any sense. I said I will not take any pictures until I get food and money. I sat down at a CVS. There are many stalkers and harassers being sent at me. A man with a foreign accent walked up to me and said excuse me are you hungry do you are you in need here's some food. There was also a Gatorade in there. The food was Doritos and Oreos. Go ahead and form your own opinion but I'm pretty sure that doesn't really have a lot of nutritional value. But they kept up part of their agreement. I asked for food and money. I got the food so I decided I had to take their pictures I walked across to the Episcopal Church who is known to Harbor foreign agents and guess what this Episcopal Church on lockhill Selma is also harboring stalkers harassers and foreign agents. So I began walking to the parking lot taking pictures of the license plates. While I was taking pictures of the license plates I said this is a school and I probably should leave even though I'm not doing anything wrong and the FBI told me to take pictures of my stalkers they will throw a fit. Chief McManus and Joaquin Castro over and over again have used my own words against me and today was no different. I have watched these men use my words and my statement in the speeches they give to press that's pretty sad
 they called the officer that there was there which is an sapd officer even though we are in Castle Hills because we all know that sapd officers are colluding with foreign agents and that's why he's there.
 the man was given a rehearsed speech he came out and he was shaking with anger and he had sweat he was a bit out of control emotional intelligence nowhere to be seen. He kept telling me that I was trespassing and that he was going to give me a criminal trespassing ticket and arrest me and take me to jail. First of all I was not trespassing it is open to the public it is not closed off to anybody there are no signs that say trespassing there are no signs that say it's not open to the public. Second of all this is a 501c religious organization they have a mission statement and if they close their doors off to the community and don't accept people in they lose their 501c status the government walks and it shuts them down. This is common knowledge everybody knows this this is a non-profit and they have a mission statement to adhere to know part of that mission statement is to have their doors open to the community and two new members to spread the word of God.
 I continuously repeated to the officer that I was simply walking through he kept saying you were taking pictures of vehicles. There is nothing against the law for taking pictures of vehicles or anyting else you can take all the pictures and videos you want people walking to America the land of the free. he insisted it was against the law because like many other police officers he thinks he can lie to people and get away with it and he has no idea how the laws actually written. I insisted that I was just reading my phone and you cannot claim that I was taking pictures simply because I was holding my phone up to my face and I'm sorry that's true. I told him I felt very threatened he was very threatening. His response was an out-of-control manner shaking all over the place and sweating all over his face that the church sent him out to deal with me. he refused to respond to the fact that I felt very threatened he didn't stop threatening me and he did not say I'm sorry he told me the church told him to threaten me. he continued to claim that he was going to write me a criminal trespassing ticket. That would be highly against the law to considering it's open to the public it's not closed off and there are no signs that is not criminal trespassing they've done this to me before and it wasn't Criminal trespassing then either they did that to two FBI agents and you can see the video on YouTube.
 finally I got to wait for him and I started walking down the road this time I was actually taking pictures while I was walking down the road I was instructed to put it away they're coming so I put it away even though I found more foreign agents. When I got to the gas station a Castle Hills police officer showed up he pulls up quickly to the gas pumps like he was going to get gas he got out and I said I don't have my phone I put it away nothing's wrong here and he said that's okay that's okay so I started to walk away said no way I have to talk to you. Guess what he did he ask for my identification and excuse me officer what law have I broken I didn't say that this time I'm not going to have that argument against that been happening all week long he broke the law. I gave him all of my information including my social security number he went back to his car to run the information while he was doing that police officer L. Garcia 1258 showed up pulled in behind the Castle Hills officer. He got out of his vehicle immediately started talking to the Castle Hills officer whose name I forgot sorry. because the Castle Hills officer was not rude and he was very professional except for the ID. He was also very kind Garcia kept telling him that he had to run me in and the Castle Hills officer said no no she hasn't done anything wrong and there's nothing in my system that says I've had that I have to take her in Garcia cups and behavioral health behavioral health see it's listed there he said no it's listed there for the city of San Antonio I'm Castle Hills and it's not in my Castle Hills. He came out of his vehicle to talk to me again and I'll Garcia started to pull away upset that he didn't get his own way and he wasn't able to manipulate the Castle Hills officer. As he pulled away  The Castle Hills officer was telling me that I was in a school parking lot I said to him I'm sorry I thought it was a church parking lot. He explained to me you're not wrong it is a church but there's also a school there. He said when it comes to schools we really have to crack down and be tighter because of everything that's happening in our country and I said yes I understand that it just wasn't the first thing that came to my mind as I was walking through I forget about the problems we're having with all of these shootings that sounds horrible sorry.

I explained to the Castle Hills officer that he was very threatening to me when you approach me at the church. I explained to him that I pointed this out to him and there was no apology and no change in his behavior. The Castle Hills officer shared with me that sapd has their own way of doing things that is not the way that he would have reacted to my statement and that made me feel a lot better that there are good police officers out there and he is so right sapd does have their own way of doing things they have their own way of breaking the law and attacking people which is also against the law

 and the pictures at Starbucks you can see the Castle Hills officer that I had to deal with he had been sent into Starbucks to flush me out so that I could go through all of this controversy and being threatened by sapd and at least the sapd officer was smart enough to realize that he can't write me a ticket while he's standing in Castle Hills I'm sorry that's not legal

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