Mark has delivered many attacks on me over the last few months about a month ago he was reading my journals because they were sitting on the table . Then he was walking around telling people that I was crazy because of the things that were written in my journal . Somebody looked at him as if to say why are you reading her journal . His explanation to this was well she left it lay on the table so therefore she must have wanted me to read it . Once again we have another grown man acting like a high-school child stupid enough to think just because a journal is laying on the table that gives him the right to read it . Truthfully it was a setup and he fell for it because he's stupid . A mark thinks that he can keep his Pals out of prison by trying to convince everybody that I'm crazy . And as I have told all of these minions over and over again countless times it doesn't matter what my opinion is it doesn't matter if I am loopy crazy what matters is the investigating agents have evidence as to what you have done and what you are still doing today . Their testimony against you is so much more important than mine . The evidence they present that's what you need to worry about not whether or not I'm saying or whether or not people believe my story the evidence that's what you need to focus on that is what will put you in prison not whether or not people believe my stupid story you are not a very bright person . Last Saturday Mark decided to chase me all over the city and his white Ford Explorer I got pictures and his license plate number of course it's not the first time I constantly see this man's vehicle and yes he swerves towards the sidewalk as if he's going to run me over this man is a very sick man and I know I keep saying that but just look at what these people are doing do you not agree how sick they are ? 

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