It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Madam director

After I made an announcement of my pain in the fact that I need medical treatment which I'm being denied  Lucy High pictures who are experts at Game stocking sent more planes at me  they sent more minions walking in my path  predator  Criminal  stalkers. Opposed to rectifying the situation and making it right quickly they decided to four on the stalking and terrorizing thicker. As I said before they are all sociopaths their actions prove this. Is some of them are ignoring the situation that they will be held accountable for and they are out at the bars they are getting on the river boats taking tours they are living it up. I sure do wish I could live it up I sure do wish I could visit a bar it would be really nice if I could take a shower. It'd be really nice if I had a real meal and I could maintain my health and well-being. Are the CIA operatives who who are in charge of my torture to maintain their health and well-being and when they need a doctor guess what they go and see it. When they need antibiotics guess what happened they get antibiotics. But the woman that they are in charge of torturing until she has a nervous breakdown doesn't get medical treatment she doesn't get a bath or a shower she doesn't sleep in a real bed. 

Allow me to take a moment to remind America what these sociopaths do two witnesses let me take a moment and remind you about the waterboarding .  They claim that it works to get information will then why did you have to keep doing it a hundred times ?  Because they're idiots  because they're not nearly as smart as America believes them to be . And my case and everything they did that was watched and documented will prove I'm not smart they are .  They were set up for a sting and they were stun hard. 

 Of course we're not going to see Madam director make any phone calls to correct these operatives and tell them to do their job as they are being paid to do because she's in charge of the gang stalking she's in charge of torturing Witnesses. And that's exactly what she's doing to me right now I have a government-owned van driving pass more games.

 Is this torture in this gang stalking is what she will be known for the rest of her life while she sits in prison. I hope nobody had any hopes that she was rectify the situation make some phone calls and stop the operatives from breaking the law. That's what a director is supposed to do but that's not what she will do because she's a sociopath in a criminal

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