It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Monday, September 9, 2019

agents & minions working together gang stalking

All day and all night long I was gang stalked by foreign and domestic agency like working together to terrorize a mother fighting for her children on the streets and is barely hanging on to Life by a thread . I am in need of proper nutrition and I am in need of medical care and I am also in need of an end to this nightmare . All of my civil rights are being violated and these people are being paid by the American taxpayer  to commit serious crimes against our country to commit serious crimes terrorizing innocent woman . I am Telling You investigating a chance over and over again that I can't take anymore I need to be pulled to safety . Agent Heather of the FBI is claiming to be a double agent  she is telling me that I will know when the proper time isfor me to be pulled to safety . I don't think agent Heather is a double agent I think she's a demon . And she's proving it by keeping me out here when I need medical attention she's proving it by having people assault me last night she sent  two people to kill me it was a man circling me in his vehicle all the way down Main Street around the block and around the block following me . There was a pickup truck that showed up at Catholic Charities playing ACDC very loud  they were there before I got there  it appeared as though they were waiting for me . But if Caesar really did agree to take my life I think what that pickup truck was doing was waking him up and getting him ready to do his job  when I arrive to Catholic Charities he was asleep  he was also drunk .  Lucky me I made it to the night  even though I was being told that he agreed to take my life .  I'm being gaslighted and give him false stories constantly and this could be just another one of those faults stories . The investigating agents know whether or not he agreed to take my life they know the truth it doesn't matter what I say here and it doesn't matter if I do or don't believe they're stupid stories 

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