The past by three times before officer knew you finally came up to me to harass me once again I've been dealing with this officer for three years I've had huge problems with all of the officers at the San Antonio College Police Department . In 2017 I had to go and talk to their chief I ended up talking to deputy chief at the substation here on Main Street . He at that time gave a full confessional that he was talkin to Joaquin Castro he did certain things to indicate that Joaquin was telling his usual lies like invading my personal space . Deputy chief was testing me to see how I would react when my personal space was invaded . He found out very quickly that we can Castro is a pathological liar because he was told that I would react and allowed in Violet man of course that's not what happens when people invade my personal space simply step backwards to maintain the person's face looking Castro has a mental illness that causes him to tell huge and outlandish lies . My troubles with the San Antonio College Police Department ended for about 8 months and then those troubles began back up again when Christopher Wray FBI director made phone calls to the police department and told them to stalk and harass me and that's exactly what they . I have been terrorized by these people and they were doing it on purpose they were trying to intimidate me into a state of submission as they were doing again today . Officer and Nae said that he received a phone call saying that I was taking pictures at the victory Center . For the first time ever the officer said that I wasn't doing anything wrong for the first time ever this officer was actually kind and professional . As I was asking him questions I don't agree with some of his philosophy but at least for the first time a civil conversation occurred . 

officer Nae agree that there's nothing wrong with taking pictures and I can take pictures of anything I would like he asked me why I was taking the pictures I informed him that the FBI told me to. When I told the officer that the FBI told me to take the pictures he rolled his eyes. Then he shifted his body weight it's obvious that he doesn't believe me and doesn't feel that the FBI is helping me. At this point this far into this I sure would like it if James Comey and his team would make themselves known because I can't take any more of this and I continuously ask your people to have me pulled to safety my life was threatened three different times yesterday and I don't like talking to officers for obvious reasons several sapd officers tried to take my life. All of my civil rights have been stripped of me all of my possessions and my ability to work and take care of myself.
officer nae and for me that I'm always defensive apparently he has forgotten about the times that he's chased me around this college apparently he's forgotten about the time that he came to the library giving me dirty looks and ready to drag me out for no good reason other than dirty politicians called him and asked him to do it. And today for the first time ever the officer shared with me that he was in fact doing favors for dirty politicians that's a wonderful break through and that they're finally going to own it. However there are still demons in the victory Center and nobody's doing anything about it these are sociopaths and traitors to our nation. I believe that the freedom to know act covers whether or not you're allowed to know who called police officers on you I'm pretty sure that it's your right to know. The officer said that he couldn't tell me that and he would not be telling me that once again my civil rights being stripped from me I know for a fact that we have the right to know. Also several police officers in this city have been misinformed they think that it's perfectly legal to ask somebody for their ID even if they have not committed crime that's not how the law is written it is not legal for you to ask. You can only ask somebody if they committed a crime that's how the law is written. It is unlawful for you to ask unless they have committed a crime. I don't think it's the officers fault that he thinks that is perfectly legal for him to do that because I believe that he's been told that that's not how the law is written.
while I was talking to the officer to employees of the victory Center drove by several foreign agents walked past they all were very curious as to whether or not I would be arrested because that's what they told the officer to do.
It has been exactly one year and I do not know where my children are and nobody has the common courtesy to even tell me where they live. Not one of you investigating agents has bothered to tell my children that I love them and that I'm fighting for them that my life is on the line and I keep going because I want to see them and be with them again. Not one of you soulless creatures has consider this or consider telling my children that I don't hate them as their father is instructed them and told them that I do. subject matter is going to come up again and again it's not going to go away from me and it's not okay that my children had to go 6 years without their mother so that you could play games with foreign agents and dirty FBI agents and CIA operative so that you could watch them commit crimes for 6 years I don't think it takes that many years to put these people behind bars where they belong. the Greyhound bus station has been completely packed full people coming in from Austin Texas and other states those people, foreign agents. if the rest of the foreign agents that are coming in are nearly as violent has the one that I met at the Travis Church I'm not going to make it to the end of the week. Once again I am begging you to pull me to safety I have done as much as humanly possible in this case I am in pain I am in need of Medical Care and I'm sick to death of being stalked harassed and terrorized. Is this Library after college is full of demons and foreign agents most expressly the one sitting next to me I can't take it anymore I will start telling them exactly what I think of them
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