It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Monday, September 16, 2019

cokerham 0108

This police officer and his pal badge number 5 decided to become apart of harassment and get directly involved with me. They were sent because somebody called and complained that I was taking pictures of license plates in a parking lot that was open to the public. I don't know if that everybody can see this clearly but let me explain there is no law being broken there is nothing wrong with taking pictures the person calling to complain should have been told this on the phone they should have been told no officer would be sent because we don't waste City resources unless there's an actual crime at being committed. But of course of police officers did have to respond to this color because this is one of the many minions that they have asked to help them gang stalking innocent Mother fighting for her children. So as I was taking pictures of their license plates not only is that person going to be indicted for stalking and harassing and becoming a part of a conspiracy of gang stalking but these police officers are also losing their job and looking at criminal indictment. So after receiving a block of instructions from FBI agent Heather who's from Moscow and a hore they decided to come find me. Their first block of instruction was to lie to me and tell me that taking pictures is against the law. These two police officers told me that they don't do that because it's against the law the Coban recording system on your uniform is doing it as you lie to me the dash cam on your police cruiser is doing it as you drive around lying. These morons actually thought that I was going to believe they're stupid lie that taking pictures is good against the law let's go ahead and tell Rodney King that pictures and videos are against the law and how stupid are the police officers will that is the question that all of us want to know because their stupidity continued listen to the rest of what these astronomically stupid police officers dead you think I'm dead I'm going to see this out until you go to prison so go ahead and keep giving me threats in my phone.
 then when I tried to explain to them that the FBI is the one that told me to take the pictures of the plates because when people are being stalked they need to take pictures of the people who are stalking them. The moronic police officer said they work with the FBI all the time and they claim that this is not the proper procedures and policies of the FBI as if they would know they're too stupid to know what the lies but yet and how they're claiming that they know all the policies and procedures that the FBI uses to do investigations. I even gave these police officers the agent's name they've could have called up the FBI right then and there and ask that agent but no these police officers are a special kind of stupid. You would think that you would want to check with the FBI before you attacked me you would want to check to see if it really was an FBI investigation because if you interfere with that investigation those are some serious criminal charges that's exactly what you did and that's exactly what you're looking at
Cockerham got to wait to look in his eye and said I work with the FBI I called him out on his lie and he said well I did once all of this was sudden front of his Coban recording system that he seemed to forget was attached to his uniform really smart. That weepy look in your face and your body language indicates that yes you are working with agent Heather the Moscow agent who is here committing Espionage and treason and these police officers are no guilty of treason. The guilty of a lot of other crimes to that I don't really need to point out. They will be going to prison they no longer have a job. just like the moron who keeps typing in his computer thinking he's not going to prison yes you are

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