It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Friday, September 6, 2019

926 Brooklyn Avenue

When I passed 926 Brooklyn Avenue I saw a very familiar sight and they seem to be upset with me too. There are many agents in operatives at 926 Brooklyn Avenue and these are the exact same operatives that I've seen chasing me all over the city they're not only posing as construction workers they're doing actual construction work I have seen them on several construction sites in the city of San Antonio one of those construction sites being a school that was across from Saint Ann's and Saint Vincent de Paul's. They were giving me funny looks that day 2 he kept staring me down I couldn't understand what their problem was with me I didn't know who they were I know now though. They are treasonous criminals who are guilty of espionage and attacking our democracy they're also guilty of attacking me and they haven't stopped either you would think they would grow some sort of sense when they're Pals start to be arrested for treason and Espionage and other crimes no they don't have a brain they haven't grown any sense to stop.
Now that I know that CIA operatives are actually construction workers and they're doing actual real construction work to that explains why all of them are swearing at me screaming at me pointing and staring that explains why it's 6 a.m. when they're going to work they're threatening me verbally. That explains why yesterday I had one of them yelling at me that I'm dumb homeless b****. And about a week ago I had one of those construction workers calling me a homeless skank. Yes people these are CIA operatives aren't you impressed with how professional they are? Did you expect them to be something more than bullies I'm not the first person that's been gang stalked by these people and attack and unless Americans do something about it I won't be the last one either

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