It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Shooting over the weekend Beto O'Rouke using the deaths for PR opportunity

I find it amazing that all of the media including President Trump is calling this white supremacy. Just because the two Shooters are white does not mean it’s white supremacy. They’re dead how do you ask them what their motivation was how do you know if it has anything to do with race religion or nationality? I don’t think you do know I don’t think people are slowing down to look at what their motive was. I know Beto O'Rourke started running his mouth before they even knew details about the shooter in El Paso. Started blaming Trump and everything Trump said but on the computer of the shooter they found Bernie Sanders support. Along with many other things when it comes to the Dayton Ohio shooting he shot his own sister and his friend who were white. So how does that make it white supremacy because some African Americans we’re killed that doesn’t make it white supremacy nobody knows why he did it. It will be white supremacy if he was killing people of different race because he thinks he’s Superior. So far it looks like mental illness. It actually looks like some sort of brainwashing. Like there was some sort of trigger that made him start doing it he didn’t plan it out ahead of time did he question mark aren’t these the kind of things that we should be looking for shouldn’t we be waiting for the investigators to look at his computer to see who he was communicating with before we start screaming and yelling white supremacy. I’d like to remind all of you that in all of my social media accounts I have dirty politicians and dirty police officers taking on fake identities trying to play psychological warfare games with me trying to brainwash me Gaslight me trolling my accounts to upset me and create an emotional upset and I can bet you the same thing was happening to those two young men and I wouldn’t be one bit surprised if it was the exact same people who are doing it to me. Before you start screaming and yelling white supremacy can we at least wait until the investigators find out what’s in their computers within their phones who they were communicating with who was brainwashing them

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