It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Aug. 7th

There were planes all night long and manipulation of my phone. Dirty police officers hacked into the network of the Landa Library and they were playing with the sprinklers trying to get me to move they sent two demons to the gardens to be ready to take my life. Planes and Helicopter were flying over head all night long.

My phone kept giving me bad advise they wanted me to walk down town where they had killers waiting for me because here in San Antonio the police officers are sociopathic murders and perverts. I refused to listen to the bull. They were frustrated to say the least when they sent demons to the Landa Library early this day they needed to provide transportation. People don't walk the entire city like me???

I went to HEB this morning not sure what the next attack was the sky was full of planes and helicopters and it was too cloudy to get pictures. Why would I even go out of my way to get pictures does it benefit me? Do I get money, food, bathing, bed, shelter, safety???? NO I get nothing but demonic Latinos attacking me

I had a water bottle that poison had been added to I don't know when or how

I was given a poison cigarette by a HEB employee and yes I have her picture. I wonder if the simpleton understands it's a crimes to knowingly give someone poison and she knew that it could end my life. Yes a conspiracy to end a life is a crime and she will be indicted.

My enemies shut down my phone after sending me messages that I was being pulled to safety and I need to go to 200 Lullwood. That is where the demonic traders are the spies the killers.

I walked to the San Antonio College and I was followed by many psychos that think they are funny see how funny you think you are sitting in prison. When I arrived at the college there were two criminal officers stalking and harassing the obese Latino male that I had to deal with a little more than a week ago. Another officer also Latino. I don't know what their intentions were but they do not obey the oath they took and they do uphold the law they think they are above the law. Yes people that's right Latino criminals I have all the proof needed. I went to the library received messages to walk the streets and ignored them. I went to the Library and all the computers were shut down and I wasn't the only that couldn't use them it was shut down for all paying students. You see my enemies needed me out there walking after getting poison in my body they think if I am walking and over exerting myself my heart will end. It has never worked before but they just keep trying.

So I walked to St. Vincent De Paul and the man sitting at the desk was very shifty and I had to say my name three or four times because he was so nervous. While there one of the women went in the closet to get supplies and this man nearly had a stroke kept getting up circling the closest trying to get int there he was very nervous and couldn't sit down and do his assigned job. What's in the closet you are hiding? Could it be the poison you added to my food? Are you worried they will find it and know that you are not only a killing demon but also a spy attacking our nation.

When I came here to the San Pedro Library that same Latino minion that use to work here and no longer has his job is here. The one who was questioned by park police for the stalking harassing and theft of my belongings. That police report disappeared when Castro Brothers and Hillary Clinton made calls but I still have the psycho following me around.

There were SAPD unmarked cars driving up and down San Pedro and two park police cruisers that don't have anything better to do than stalk and harass. As I walked through San Pedro Park I saw five people in various areas sleeping but yet Park Police has nothing better to do? Latinos breaking the law.
I have the picture of the sick HEB killing employee it will be posted and I have pictures of the dirty San Antonio Police Officers that will be included in the emails sent to their chain of command

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