It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Sunday, August 4, 2019

Senator Elizabeth Warren

Senator Elizabeth Warren is talking loudly about disagreeing with people talking about what they can't do as president. What a hypocrite lets talk about what she exclaims she can't do as senator. The first e-mail I sent you was in April 2016, I continuously sent those emails telling you about my situation I continuously outlined how the courts and various government agencies were being manipulated to ignore me and my three small children that were trapped in abuse. I informed you that I did not even know where they were and that the Castro Brothers were making it possible for their father to be violating a court with no consequences not allowing my children and I talk or see each other. She ignored me people I may have gotten an automated response at best but this woman did nothing to help my children and I. If she does not care about my children and the emanate danger they were in then she surly will not care about your children either. For our children's sake this woman can not be our president.
She was contacted by the Castro Brothers and Hillary Clinton and she and her staff proceeded to ignore me in an effort to cover and hide the crimes of her pals the criminally insane members of our government. For the well being of all of Americas children please America wake up and see the monster she really is. Our children deserve more they deserve better she is attacking our democracy, she is ignoring my civil rights she will ignore yours too.
The evidence of her colluding with Hillary and the Castro Brothers will be presented to congress by investigating agents. This isn't just ethics, she has committed serious crimes she took an oath and committed herself to serve the american people she is serving the highly insane Hillary Clinton and it needs to be stopped.
You actually applauded her saying that we shouldn't talk about what we can't do and can't fight for this highly incapable woman couldn't fight for or stand for one mother fighting for her children fighting to keep herself alive. STOP LISTENING TO HER LIES.

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