It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Pastor Jackson

Pastor Jackson I just met about 2 months ago and then I need you to start putting the puzzle pieces together. I finally figured out that my ex-husband stayed in his house a recovery house for just men. My ex-husband had told me that he was staying in one of these homes but I couldn't figure out where it was or who owns it I finally figured it out. Pastor Jackson kept claiming out loud in front of me that he knew the truth he knew my story. I'm pretty sure he's lying because if you know my true story if you know that my children and I were being beat on throughout attend your marriage if you knew that that man was putting his hands around my neck trying to end my life if you knew that he was poisoning me while I was pregnant trying to Kill Me & My Unborn Child and when we needed to go to the hospital if you refuse to take us hoping that we would die in the house and we almost did too so you know the truth but yet you're still getting in my face being nasty to me knowing the hell that I've been through you're still helping my ex-husband and Hillary Clinton knowing the hell that I've been through the hell that I continuously go through this man ignorantly said to me that the only reason I'm going there is for a $10 gift card. You know the truth?
The reason I go to his church is because of collusion and obstruction of justice every time I go anywhere near his church or him he received phone calls from Hillary Clinton and all of her. He received phone calls from Joaquin and Julian Castro and Gregory Marshall. During these communications he's told what message to give me what they're going to do to me this week. He's told that he needs to set me up for failure set me up for my death he's told what you instruct me to do during the week. For example stop doing the same thing over and over again in other words they want me to stop taking pictures of all of the hell I'm being put through I'm not going to stop taking pictures Pastor Jackson. The man literally thinks that I'm only going there for a gift card because he's full of himself. The gift card does help considering that Hillary Clinton make sure that I'm broke I mean to the point where I don't even have a dime so that I'll start to that then she calls up all the churches and tell them not to give me food when I do get food it has poison in it so that I will die. This man claims to know the truth he put poison in my food an agent / operative took pictures of me eating the food that he put poison in. What kind of Truth is it that you know the crimes okay and killing somebody is okay becoming a conspiracy to attack a mother fighting for a children is okay conspiracy to kill somebody is okay none of these things are okay not in our Bible not according to man's law and not according to God's law you know the truth? You and your wife for laughing in my face you think it's the torture that I'm being put through is funny you think that the fact that my children are being tortured and abused and they're locked in like Stockholm Syndrome you think that's okay? That's the truth that you made happen you helped my ex-husband to get it our children so that he could subject them to Stockholm syndrome beat on them abused them verbally mentally tell them they're never going to see their mother again as long as they live and that's what you help to do and I have to look at you every Sunday and I have to listen to you being derogatory nasty in my face. And you want me to believe that you're working with the investigating FBI agents who are going to put Joaquin Castro Julian Castro and Hillary Clinton prison you want me to believe that lie? if that were the truth and you were all about the greater good and you were about saving democracy and you're all about right vs wrong then why are you being so nasty to me why are you setting me up to walk into my death? Why are you helping to keep three children trapped and abuse why do you think it's okay for them to go more than five years without their mother their mother that they had never been separated for for more than 2 days before people like you started to manipulate the system so my children would have to go with their abusive father they're abusive father who tried to kill them before they were born who beat on them after they were born? Why would I trust you why would I even be able to stand and look at you you helped to put my children there you helped make sure they never had a mother? Better yet do you even care what that does to a child to have their mother rip from them and then when they ask if they can talk to their mother or see their mother he screams at them because he's a six sociopath and he's your pal and the entire world is going to know how you two are Pals and how you helped keep children trapped in abuse how you manipulated the scripture and the sermons that you give on Sunday just to Gaslight me and make me believe untrue things to make me walk into my death that they so desperately need me to walk into you help to poison me. you will be held accountable for your crimes you can't say that you're cooperating with an investigation that's like saying yeah I killed that guy but it's okay because I was helping with an investigation. And that's you thinking it's okay to kill a woman to help Hillary Clinton and all of her little trained dogs to get away with their crimes.
 as you can imagine I dread Sundays but I do it anyway because it's for the greater good it's about the collusion and obstruction of justice it's about just another Sunday full of crimes can being committed by Julian Castro Joaquin Castro Hillary Clinton Gregory Marshall and the whole gang of idiots

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