It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Officer Hardeway

 What a strange evening last night Aug. 7th I saw Officer Hardeway and he showed his true colors he is not above threatening someone he has been helping to attack this is a piece of waste.
Silly me I thought he was not really a officer and that there was a LSO security officer pretending to be an officer. My excuse is all the gas lighting that has been done to me I have trouble seeing the light. This guy doesn't even feel bad about what he did.

What he did? He made up a story he said he pulled a transgender out of the water dead. He named the killer and he was already in jail and he agreed to become a part of the conspiracy. Then Hardeway decided to play victim and claim that he was attacked by Chief McManus for solving a crime. My enemies know I go to bat for the underdog and they knew I would tell this story and try to defend and stand up for the under dog. This is no under dog this is a demon. He will be leaving the police force.

 I took these pictures and when I was taking a picture of an agent(that never turns out), Hardeway turned to me and asked if should smile. I informed him I wasn't even taking his picture(because I had already taken his picture), he was threatening and snarky telling me that he got the e-mail. The e-mail was sent to his supervisor and through the entire chain of command and this creep is telling me I am not allowed to send e-mails your God Complex is out of control. Smile at me? You are so full of yourself why don't you smile at the members of congress while you explain your crimes.
See these two guys talking to the Sheriff, Hardeway, and a dirty SAPD they are from North Carolina. The officers were extremely rude to these guys. I butted in for just second to announce chain of command and the fact that DNR is their superior. These guys asked Hardeway why he does it and Hardeway had an angry outburst he has some real issues. These guys are very skilled there were many other questions asked. They were asking about this being a Marshall law state they asked the Sheriff if they were to get in a fight right in front of him he wouldn't arrest them. The sheriff said it would be disorderly conduct. Where does assault come into play.?
Hardeway was rude to me he was threatening in nature and he was announcing that I had no rights I will be retaliated against if I stand up for myself and send an email.
He then had an angry out burst on these two young men. THEY ARE FROM NORTH CAROLINA!! WHAT DO YOU THINK THEY ARE HERE FOR? THINK

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