It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Saturday, August 3, 2019


Everything I was told about the fact that I would be dying on the streets was my ex husband, or most of it anyone and my ex-husband used Nelson as a scape goat. Doesn't let Nelson off the hook of the crimes he has committed but as I said before however these dirty police officers are stupid enough to let that sociopath control this situation and now they are all going to prison. Stupid is as Stupid does.

Nelson was put in charge of Investigation he was done in my phone giving me instruction not in a very kind man or either. He was getting so much control over my case that he took CPS investigation reports and started to manipulate with the agents I put in there. He was manipulating these reports so that he could save Gregory Marshall from being indicted for the crimes that he is guilty of like poisoning his wife and trying to kill his unborn children like raping his wife and beating on her and the children. Nelson was manipulating the CPS investigation report so none of this was there any more and his pal Gregory Marshall would not be prosecuted for these crimes.
Nelson decided that he was going to scream and yell at me telling me that both God and the devil need me to take the pictures that I am not taking. He began to call me nasty names telling me that I can't even do a simple job. My job is simple Nelson? I've nearly died repetitively I've been starved to death I have no money and nowhere to go. You're a sociopath with all the qualities of a serial killer. This is another fool he was only put in charge of the investigation so the investigating agents of our country could watch him commit crimes and pull other Criminal police officers into the conspiracy to become guilty of collusion obstruction of justice official oppression intent to do bodily harm intent to cause the death of an innocent woman so many crimes I cannot even list them.
While Nelson is residing in his arrogance he decided to inform me that I would never be pulled to safety because the Trump team and the Hillary Clinton Team all wanted me dead. Nelson informed me that I would never see my children again and that they would in fact be trapped in abuse because he was going to make sure of it. Nelson told me that the Trump team would investigate and prosecute Hillary Clinton in the Castro brothers that they would go to prison where they belong but I would never see it happen because I was going to die out here on the streets never being pulled to safety. And as I said before Nelson has all the qualities of a serial killer.
At one point I became upset started crying was completely in disparage announcing that I would never see my children again and that I did all this for nothing. While I was crying for my children I'm begging for my life now send decided to tell me that I was finally waking up he was nasty about it condescending and ridiculing. Sent me the nastiest message telling me that I was finally waking up that I was never going to be pulled off these streets that I was never going to be pulled to safety that I would not survive this adversity of being a minnow on a hook he was quite full of himself that's how sick Nelson is.
However even though this fact is known and I made it very clear to him that it was him that was going to prison for a very long time I'm still out here struggling no money and nowhere to go no opportunity to bathe and unable to get antibiotics I need for ailments my children are still trapped in abuse.
I promise you now send whether I live or die whether I'm pulled to safety or not the entire world will hear what you have done they will hear your statements to me everything will be printed in the Mueller report and the entire world will read it they will know how sick you really are. They will start to look at all police officers across this country and all of the city's wondering how many of them are serial killers like you how many of them are sociopaths unfit to be a member of society like you. You just ruined law enforcement for the rest of the nation's years nobody will ever trust police officers ever again they will not get the respect that they think they need or that they think they deserve because of you and all of your little creepers police officers will never get respect again. Today on August 3rd 2019 at 10 a.m. Nelson called the San Antonio College Police Department and told them to drive around the church repetitively over and over again because he didn't want me to tell this story. Those police officers will be losing their job I will not listen for one minute as they lie to me and tell me they were cooperating with an investigation they are sociopaths they're not cooperating with an investigation what they are doing illustrates who they really are they've been doing that to me since 2016.